Demolition of Idaho Murder House Raises Concerns for Forensic Expert

Forensics expert Joseph Scott Morgan has expressed concerns over the demolition of the Idaho murder house, stating that valuable information may have been lost that could have aided in the investigation and prosecution.

Demolition of Idaho Murder House Raises Concerns for Forensic Expert

The demolition of the Idaho murder house where four University of Idaho students were brutally killed last November has drawn criticism from a forensics expert, who believes valuable information may have been lost in the process.

Joseph Scott Morgan, a forensic expert, expressed concerns that the demolition could have destroyed evidence that could have helped prosecutors build a stronger case against the suspect, Bryan Kohberger.

Demolition of Idaho Murder House Raises Concerns for Forensic Expert

"There may have been a lot of valuable information that could have been gathered from the house that is now gone forever," Morgan said. "This could have made it more difficult to determine exactly what happened that night and could have hindered the investigation."

Morgan explained that the house could have contained important physical evidence, such as bloodstains, DNA samples, and fingerprints, that could have helped link Kohberger to the crime.

Demolition of Idaho Murder House Raises Concerns for Forensic Expert

In addition, the demolition has eliminated the possibility of recreating the crime scene for investigative purposes. This could make it more challenging for prosecutors to present a compelling case to the jury and could potentially compromise the integrity of the trial.

"It would have been ideal to preserve the crime scene as much as possible," Morgan said. "This would have allowed investigators to conduct thorough examinations, collect evidence, and recreate the events that led to the murders."

Demolition of Idaho Murder House Raises Concerns for Forensic Expert

Meanwhile, prosecutors have raised concerns over Kohberger's alibi, which they argue is too vague to be credible. According to prosecutors, Kohberger initially claimed he was driving around looking at the moon and stars, but this statement is insufficient to provide specific details or witness accounts.

"The defendant is offering nothing new to his initial 'alibi' that he was simply driving around during the morning hours of November 13, 2022," Latah County Prosecuting Attorney Bill Thompson wrote in a court filing.

Demolition of Idaho Murder House Raises Concerns for Forensic Expert

Thompson noted that prosecutors are aware that Kohberger was driving in rural areas during the early morning hours of the murders, but this does not exclude the possibility that he could have been involved in the crime.

Defense attorneys, however, maintain that Kohberger's alibi is valid and should be considered by the court. They plan to call an expert on cellphone data to support their client's claim.

Demolition of Idaho Murder House Raises Concerns for Forensic Expert

Edwina Elcox, a Boise-based defense attorney, argued that it is not the prosecution's place to determine what is relevant to the defense. She called the prosecution's latest filing "the prosecution's equivalent of a temper tantrum."

"It is the defendant's constitutional right to mount a defense," she said.

Demolition of Idaho Murder House Raises Concerns for Forensic Expert

Defense lawyers had initially planned to resume their survey of potential jurors after a temporary order to halt activities. However, Judge John C. Judge ultimately ruled that the survey could continue as part of Kohberger's attempt to prove jury bias and argue for a change of venue.

Kohberger is charged with four counts of first-degree murder and a felony burglary count. Police allege that he entered the King Road house around 4 a.m. on November 13, 2022, and killed Maddie Mogen, Kaylee Goncalves, Xana Kernodle, and Ethan Chapin.

If convicted, Kohberger could face the death penalty. The trial is scheduled to begin in June 2023.