Dennis Quaid Unfazed by "Cancel Culture" Criticisms Over Reagan Biopic Role

In a recent interview with Fox News Digital, actor Dennis Quaid discussed his portrayal of former President Ronald Reagan in the upcoming biopic "Reagan." Quaid expressed his indifference to potential backlash or attempts to "cancel" him due to the role, emphasizing the film's focus on Reagan's personal story rather than political agendas.

In a candid conversation with Fox News Digital, Dennis Quaid addressed the potential for criticism and "cancel culture" surrounding his portrayal of Ronald Reagan in the upcoming biopic "Reagan." The veteran actor, known for his roles in films such as "The Parent Trap" and "Far From Heaven," expressed his unconcern over such reactions, highlighting the film's focus on Reagan's personal journey rather than divisive political ideologies.

"It's a biopic. It's a love story. It's about all of us as America, where we used to be," Quaid said of the new film, which delves into the life and presidency of the 40th President of the United States. "A lot of that gets twisted because people have agendas. And so, yeah, they tried to cancel me a couple of times, but so what?"

Dennis Quaid Unfazed by

Dennis Quaid Unfazed by "Cancel Culture" Criticisms Over Reagan Biopic Role

Quaid acknowledged the polarized opinions surrounding Reagan, a figure often characterized as both a hero and a villain by different political factions. However, he emphasized that the film aims to portray Reagan as a complex individual, highlighting his achievements and his flaws.

"When Reagan was president as well, you know, they called him a warmonger. But this is the guy who ended the Cold War, by the way, and made peace with the Soviets. But it took a cold warrior like that. … And they called him a third-rate actor, this and that," Quaid said.

Dennis Quaid Unfazed by

Dennis Quaid Unfazed by "Cancel Culture" Criticisms Over Reagan Biopic Role

Despite the attempts to discredit the film's portrayal of Reagan, Quaid remained unwavering in his belief that the movie serves as a reminder of the potential for greatness within America. He lamented the current state of political discourse, emphasizing the need for more respectful and constructive dialogue.

"Everybody knows what was going on over the last four years. You know that the dialog is broken down and people are afraid to speak up. Republicans and Democrats, we're going to figure this out eventually because we do need each other. We keep each other from going too far this way or that way," he said.

Dennis Quaid Unfazed by

Dennis Quaid Unfazed by "Cancel Culture" Criticisms Over Reagan Biopic Role

Quaid's co-star, Penelope Ann Miller, who portrays former first lady Nancy Reagan, echoed his sentiments, expressing surprise at the perceived restrictions Facebook placed on promotional materials for "Reagan."

"This is the person that was our president for eight years, 40 years ago. What does this have to do with politics or this election? It doesn’t" she said. "And it just so happens it’s coming out in an election year, but that was not by design."

Dennis Quaid Unfazed by

Dennis Quaid Unfazed by "Cancel Culture" Criticisms Over Reagan Biopic Role

Miller emphasized that the film is not intended to make any political statements, focusing instead on the personal lives and relationships of the Reagans. She highlighted the importance of portraying historical figures with authenticity and respect, regardless of their political affiliations.

"You can't judge someone when you're playing them. So, whatever anybody thinks of them, you have to play them, you have to embody them," she said. "I wanted to honor her legacy, and I wanted to do her justice. And I felt I owed it to her. … That was important to me. [She was] real and flawed and not perfect. Just a real human being."

Dennis Quaid Unfazed by

Dennis Quaid Unfazed by "Cancel Culture" Criticisms Over Reagan Biopic Role

Quaid echoed Miller's thoughts, expressing his initial hesitation to take on the role due to the daunting task of portraying such a recognizable figure. However, after visiting the Reagans' private ranch and immersing himself in the research, he found a way to connect with Reagan on a personal level.

"I realized that Reagan was not a rich man, and I could feel his humility, really, and his humbleness" while visiting the private Reagan ranch.

Dennis Quaid Unfazed by

Dennis Quaid Unfazed by "Cancel Culture" Criticisms Over Reagan Biopic Role

Quaid expressed hope that "Reagan" will serve as a reminder of the country's potential and inspire a return to more productive political discourse. He noted that the film's release coincides with an important time in American history, as the nation grapples with division and seeks to find a path forward.

"We're Americans, and we want the same things. We have different ways of going about it and getting there, and people have forgotten how to have that dialogue. In our movie, in [those] times, you have liberal and conservative Democrats. It wasn't so black and white as it is. We need to get back to that place. You know, just because you disagree with me on 30% of what we're talking about does, you know, it doesn't make you a 30% enemy or 70% friend."

Dennis Quaid Unfazed by

Dennis Quaid Unfazed by "Cancel Culture" Criticisms Over Reagan Biopic Role

"Reagan" is scheduled to hit theaters on August 30th, and Quaid expressed his eagerness to share the film with audiences, both those who remember the Reagan era and those who are encountering his story for the first time.

Dennis Quaid Unfazed by Dennis Quaid Unfazed by