Dennis Quaid's American Pride: 'I Believe in the Wisdom of the People'

Actor and outspoken patriot Dennis Quaid shares his unwavering belief in the American spirit, despite the country's current challenges.

In an exclusive interview with Fox News Digital, Dennis Quaid, the Academy Award-nominated actor and musician, expressed his profound gratitude for being an American and his unwavering optimism for the nation's future. Quaid, who will soon portray the 40th President of the United States, Ronald Reagan, in a biographical film, said, "I was born in the greatest country ever to be on the Earth, to tell you the truth."

Despite acknowledging the flaws inherent in the American system, Quaid firmly believes in the collective wisdom of its people. "When you look at it, as flawed as it is, it's better than everything else that has come before. And, you know, I really believe in the wisdom of the American people as a whole."

Dennis Quaid's American Pride: 'I Believe in the Wisdom of the People'

Dennis Quaid's American Pride: 'I Believe in the Wisdom of the People'

Quaid, however, tempered his optimism with a caution, emphasizing that the nation's unity and self-belief are paramount. "We just need to get our act together and start, you know, believing in ourselves again, because I believe that the president reflects the people," Quaid asserted. "We kind of get the president we deserve."

Drawing parallels between the challenges faced by Reagan and those confronting America today, Quaid highlighted the sense of malaise and decline that permeated the country before Reagan took office. "These times today are very much like what times were before Reagan took office," he said. "You look back, you know, Iran had our hostages, gas prices … our struggle with the Soviet Union. You know, a nuclear war was about to happen back then, and inflation."

Dennis Quaid's American Pride: 'I Believe in the Wisdom of the People'

Dennis Quaid's American Pride: 'I Believe in the Wisdom of the People'

Quaid noted that Reagan's leadership helped reignite a sense of purpose and optimism in the American people, inspiring them to overcome the obstacles they faced. "He helped us feel our purpose in this world, and … what a successful presidency it was," Quaid remarked.

Reflecting on his decision to portray Reagan in the upcoming biopic, Quaid initially hesitated due to the daunting task of capturing the enigmatic figure. "Reagan was my favorite president personally, and he was also such a recognizable figure around the world, sort of like Muhammad Ali. Everybody knew what he looked like, sounded like, and so that was a pretty scary proposition," Quaid confessed.

Dennis Quaid's American Pride: 'I Believe in the Wisdom of the People'

Dennis Quaid's American Pride: 'I Believe in the Wisdom of the People'

However, after visiting Reagan's Southern California ranch, Quaid gained a deeper understanding of the man behind the iconic image. "He was not a rich man, and there was a humility about him that was kind of the bedrock of who he was," Quaid said. "And I felt him. I felt this core there."

Impressed by the modesty of the Reagan's ranch and the glimpses into their personal lives, Quaid felt a connection that emboldened him to accept the role. "After that, I said, ‘Yes, I’ll do this,' because I found a way in."

Dennis Quaid's American Pride: 'I Believe in the Wisdom of the People'

Dennis Quaid's American Pride: 'I Believe in the Wisdom of the People'

Quaid's portrayal of Reagan is complemented by a cast that includes Jon Voight, Penelope Ann Miller, and David Henrie. Tickets for the film, titled "Reagan," are available for purchase, and it will be released in theaters nationwide on August 30.

Dennis Quaid's American Pride: 'I Believe in the Wisdom of the People'Dennis Quaid's American Pride: 'I Believe in the Wisdom of the People'Dennis Quaid's American Pride: 'I Believe in the Wisdom of the People'