Denver's Low-Level Traffic Stop Ban: A Recipe for Disaster, Warns Law Enforcement Veteran

A former law enforcement officer warns that Denver's recent ban on low-level traffic stops will undermine public safety and embolden criminals, as police officers are demoralized and unprepared to enforce the law.

A law enforcement veteran with three decades of experience has sounded the alarm, expressing concern about a recent directive from the Denver Police Department that prohibits police officers from pulling over drivers for low-level traffic infractions. Michael Letts, founder of the non-profit organization InVest USA, believes that this policy will have dire consequences for public safety, as it ties the hands of law enforcement and emboldens criminals.

Under the new policy, Denver police officers will not be allowed to pull drivers over for minor offenses such as broken taillights, tinted windows, or expired tags, even if these infractions pose no immediate threat to public safety. Letts finds this policy frustrating, arguing that it undermines the discretion of experienced officers who are trained to assess risks and determine the appropriate course of action.

Denver's Low-Level Traffic Stop Ban: A Recipe for Disaster, Warns Law Enforcement Veteran

Denver's Low-Level Traffic Stop Ban: A Recipe for Disaster, Warns Law Enforcement Veteran

Letts believes that Denver's decision to eliminate low-level traffic stops stems from the city's struggles to hire and retain police officers. However, he asserts that addressing the underlying issue of inadequate compensation is more crucial than implementing policies that restrict police officers' ability to do their jobs effectively.

"They don't pay them anything to begin with. We have difficulty providing the kind of salaries that they need," Letts said. "They get great satisfaction, such satisfaction that they're willing to put their lives on the line every day. And that's part of the job."

Denver's Low-Level Traffic Stop Ban: A Recipe for Disaster, Warns Law Enforcement Veteran

Denver's Low-Level Traffic Stop Ban: A Recipe for Disaster, Warns Law Enforcement Veteran

The veteran officer points out that the events of recent decades have created a "perfect storm" affecting law enforcement. Negative portrayal in the media and concerted efforts by groups like Black Lives Matter have eroded public trust and created an anti-law enforcement sentiment.

"We created an image in the mainstem media that law enforcement was a bad profession," Letts said. "That there were a lot of bad apples in there and that they were racists and bullies."

Denver's Low-Level Traffic Stop Ban: A Recipe for Disaster, Warns Law Enforcement Veteran

Denver's Low-Level Traffic Stop Ban: A Recipe for Disaster, Warns Law Enforcement Veteran

Letts contends that Denver's move to ban low-level traffic stops is a misguided attempt to alleviate tensions and avoid allegations of racial profiling. However, he argues that it sends the wrong message to both law enforcement and the public.

"The message that they are sending to law enforcement is that they don't respect your ability to do the job and I don't think that you know how to help deter crime," he said.

Denver's Low-Level Traffic Stop Ban: A Recipe for Disaster, Warns Law Enforcement Veteran

Denver's Low-Level Traffic Stop Ban: A Recipe for Disaster, Warns Law Enforcement Veteran

Letts warns that this policy will benefit criminals and undermine the ability of police officers to maintain order.

"This is a good thing for criminals. This means that they can get away with a lot more," he said. "And for the cop, it's just one more incident. They don't want to pay, they don't want to give me proper equipment, and they don't trust me to do my job."

Denver's Low-Level Traffic Stop Ban: A Recipe for Disaster, Warns Law Enforcement Veteran

Denver's Low-Level Traffic Stop Ban: A Recipe for Disaster, Warns Law Enforcement Veteran

The demoralization of law enforcement is already a significant problem, and the Denver policy will only exacerbate it. Letts reports that officers are leaving in droves, with many feeling undervalued and unable to fulfill their duty effectively.

"Right now, we're at roughly at about a 40% loss across the country," he said. "We are headed for a path, for a critical juncture that nobody wants to go to because there will be nobody left to enforce law and order."

Denver's Low-Level Traffic Stop Ban: A Recipe for Disaster, Warns Law Enforcement Veteran

Denver's Low-Level Traffic Stop Ban: A Recipe for Disaster, Warns Law Enforcement Veteran

Letts urges policymakers to reconsider the Denver policy and provide law enforcement with the support and resources they need to protect the public. Failure to do so will have dire consequences for society as a whole.