DeSantis Slams Biden Administration for Border 'Deliberate Neglect' After Terror-Linked Afghan Arrested in Florida

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has condemned the Biden administration's handling of the southern border crisis, accusing it of "deliberate neglect" following the arrest of a terror-linked Afghan national in his state. DeSantis joined Fox News to discuss Florida's efforts to crack down on crime and his concerns about national security threats posed by the influx of illegal immigrants.

DeSantis Slams Biden Administration for Border 'Deliberate Neglect' After Terror-Linked Afghan Arrested in Florida

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has fiercely criticized the Biden administration for its "deliberate neglect" of the southern border, accusing it of endangering national security after a terror-linked Afghan national was apprehended in his state.

Speaking on Fox News' "The Faulkner Focus," DeSantis expressed his concerns about the escalating border crisis and the potential threats it poses to the country. He emphasized that the recent arrest of a terror suspect underscores the urgent need for decisive action to secure the border.

DeSantis Slams Biden Administration for Border 'Deliberate Neglect' After Terror-Linked Afghan Arrested in Florida

DeSantis's comments come amid heightened tensions over the Biden administration's immigration policies and the resulting increase in illegal border crossings. In fiscal year 2023, a record 2.4 million migrant encounters were recorded, and projections indicate that this number could be surpassed in fiscal year 2024.

The Florida governor has consistently opposed illegal immigration, both as a Republican presidential candidate and as governor of Florida. He recently celebrated a legal victory after another judge dismissed a lawsuit targeting his administration's coordinated flights of illegal immigrants from Texas to Martha's Vineyard.

DeSantis Slams Biden Administration for Border 'Deliberate Neglect' After Terror-Linked Afghan Arrested in Florida

DeSantis has taken steps to address the border issue within his own state, signing a law in 2023 that criminalizes the transportation of illegal immigrants into Florida. The law also restricts access to ID cards and requires more businesses to use E-Verify. However, a federal judge has temporarily halted enforcement of the provision related to transporting migrants.

The lawsuit challenging the law argues that it oversteps the state's authority and infringes on federal immigration enforcement. DeSantis's office and the farmworker group behind the lawsuit have not yet responded to requests for comment.

DeSantis Slams Biden Administration for Border 'Deliberate Neglect' After Terror-Linked Afghan Arrested in Florida

共和党人在临近 11 月的选举之际对非法越境激增持强烈立场。他们指责拜登的政策导致了边境危机,德克萨斯州、爱荷华州、俄克拉荷马州和佛罗里达州的共和党控制的立法机关已经通过法律允许地方官员执行移民法。



