DeSantis Touts Florida's Education System, Slams Woke Academia in Sarasota Address

In a speech at New College of Florida, Governor Ron DeSantis criticized the educational establishment while promoting his efforts to reshape public education in the state. He highlighted Florida's achievements, emphasizing his stance against "woke academia" and his belief in traditional values and academic freedom.

Governor Ron DeSantis delivered a speech at New College of Florida, taking aim at the educational establishment while highlighting his accomplishments in reshaping the state's public education system.

DeSantis Touts Florida's Education System, Slams Woke Academia in Sarasota Address

DeSantis Touts Florida's Education System, Slams Woke Academia in Sarasota Address

DeSantis has been a vocal critic of "woke academia," accusing it of promoting progressive ideologies that undermine traditional values and academic freedom. In his speech, he reiterated his opposition to these ideas, calling for a return to the basics of education.

"We're not going to let the woke mob take over our schools," DeSantis declared. "We're going to teach our kids to read, write, and think for themselves, not to be indoctrinated with left-wing propaganda."

DeSantis Touts Florida's Education System, Slams Woke Academia in Sarasota Address

DeSantis Touts Florida's Education System, Slams Woke Academia in Sarasota Address

The governor pointed to Florida's recent investments in education, including increased funding for teachers and schools. He also praised the state's "Parental Rights in Education" law, which restricts the discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity in the classroom for younger students.

"These kids belong to their parents, not to some government bureaucrat or some woke teacher," DeSantis said. "Parents have the right to know what their kids are being taught, and they have the right to opt out of any lessons they don't agree with."

DeSantis Touts Florida's Education System, Slams Woke Academia in Sarasota Address

DeSantis Touts Florida's Education System, Slams Woke Academia in Sarasota Address

DeSantis also criticized the focus on diversity and inclusion initiatives in higher education, arguing that they have led to a decline in academic standards and a loss of focus on academic excellence.

"We're going to make sure that our universities are focused on teaching our students the skills they need to succeed in the workforce, not on promoting social justice causes," DeSantis said.

The governor's speech drew mixed reactions. Supporters praised his stance against "woke academia" and his focus on traditional values. Critics accused him of censoring educational institutions and undermining academic freedom.

DeSantis's speech comes amid his ongoing efforts to reshape public education in Florida. In addition to the "Parental Rights in Education" law, he has also signed into law legislation that bans minors from attending live performances of drag shows and prohibits anyone under age 18 from undergoing sex-reassignment surgeries or taking cross-sex hormones to treat gender dysphoria.

These laws have been met with legal challenges and criticism from civil rights groups. However, DeSantis has defended his actions, arguing that he is protecting children and preserving traditional values.

The governor's speech at New College of Florida is the latest in his campaign to reshape public education in Florida. It remains to be seen how his policies will impact the state's educational system in the long term.