Devastating Landslide in Papua New Guinea Buries Families Alive, Hundreds Feared Dead

A massive landslide in a remote village in northern Papua New Guinea has buried dozens of homes and left hundreds feared dead, according to a resident and local media reports.

Devastating Landslide in Papua New Guinea Buries Families Alive, Hundreds Feared Dead

A horrific tragedy unfolded in the remote village of Kaokalam in northern Papua New Guinea early Friday morning as a massive landslide struck, burying over 50 homes and leaving hundreds feared dead. The devastating event has sent shockwaves through the community and has prompted an outpouring of grief and sympathy from around the world.

According to Ninga Role, a resident of Kaokalam village, the landslide occurred around 3 a.m., catching many residents asleep in their homes. The torrent of mud and debris engulfed the homes, burying families alive. Role's brother and cousin were among the nearly 300 people who are believed to have perished in the tragedy.

Devastating Landslide in Papua New Guinea Buries Families Alive, Hundreds Feared Dead

Heartbreaking videos posted on social media by Role show people frantically searching for survivors amidst the ruins of the village. Rocks, uprooted trees, and mounds of dirt litter the once-vibrant community, making rescue efforts extremely challenging.

"It's very impossible, the area covered by the landslide is large and there are rocks and trees everywhere," Role lamented. "It's very difficult to get them out."

The landslide struck a section of highway near the Porgera gold mine, operated by Barrick Gold through its joint venture with China's Zijin Mining. However, the company has stated that the extent of the damage is still being assessed, and it is too early to determine the impact on the mine's operations.

Prime Minister James Marape expressed his condolences to the victims' families and announced that disaster response teams, the PNG Defence Force, and the Department of Works and Highways have been dispatched to the affected area to assist with relief efforts, recover bodies, and begin the long process of rebuilding the devastated community.

"We are deeply saddened by this tragic event and are committed to providing all necessary support to the people of Enga province," Marape said.

The landslide in Papua New Guinea is a sobering reminder of the devastating power of nature and the importance of disaster preparedness. As the search for survivors continues, the global community mourns the loss of so many lives and extends its deepest sympathies to the grieving families.