DHS Secretary Mayorkas Urges Historical Perspective on Migration, Advocates for Border Bill

Despite the ongoing crisis at the southern border, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is urging Americans to view migration in a historical context rather than relying on "political snapshots." Mayorkas also expressed support for a bipartisan border security bill that failed to pass earlier this year.

DHS Secretary Mayorkas Urges Historical Perspective on Migration, Advocates for Border Bill

Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has called for a broader perspective on migration, urging the American public to examine its history rather than focusing on isolated incidents. Mayorkas made these remarks amidst the ongoing crisis at the southern border and in anticipation of a test vote on a bipartisan border bill in the Senate.

DHS Secretary Mayorkas Urges Historical Perspective on Migration, Advocates for Border Bill

Mayorkas believes that the bill, which was defeated in both the House and Senate earlier this year, would bring much-needed changes to 30-year-old laws that are "incredibly needed." He emphasized the bill's potential to address the "terrifically broken asylum system" and provide essential resources to the Border Patrol.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has announced his intention to bring the Border Act to the floor as a stand-alone measure later this week. However, the bill faces significant opposition from Republicans, who have criticized it as being a codification of Biden's "open border" policies.

DHS Secretary Mayorkas Urges Historical Perspective on Migration, Advocates for Border Bill

Despite the expected failure of the test vote, Mayorkas remains optimistic about the need for the bill. "The American people deserve and need it," he stated, adding that the United States Border Patrol "deserve and need it." Mayorkas pledged to continue advocating for the legislation and said he would "not lose hope."

Mayorkas defended the Biden administration's border policies, asserting that they have been taking action to address the situation. He pointed to initiatives in foreign countries, such as Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Mexico, to build capabilities and deter migration.

DHS Secretary Mayorkas Urges Historical Perspective on Migration, Advocates for Border Bill

However, Mayorkas acknowledged that these actions take time to take hold and that Congress must also act to provide comprehensive solutions. "We need Congress to act," he declared.

The Biden administration has faced criticism for rolling back Trump-era border policies, such as "Remain in Mexico" and the Asylum Cooperative Agreements. These policies have been blamed for contributing to the surge in illegal border crossings and the high number of "known gotaways" who evade apprehension.

DHS Secretary Mayorkas Urges Historical Perspective on Migration, Advocates for Border Bill

Mayorkas maintained that the administration has been "enforcing the law from day one," despite the political rhetoric, and advised the public to "look at the history of migration rather than take political snapshots."

He pointed to the low migration numbers at the southern border in 2020, which he attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic opportunities available to migrants in the United States.

DHS Secretary Mayorkas Urges Historical Perspective on Migration, Advocates for Border Bill

Mayorkas noted that the U.S. still has approximately 8 million vacant jobs that American workers are not filling, which presents an opportunity for migrants to remain here for extended periods under the current broken asylum system.

Despite the challenges, Mayorkas stated that the administration has returned or removed more people in the past 12 months than in any full fiscal year in the past, making aggressive use of its legal authority.

He concluded by emphasizing the importance of the Senate passing the legislation, stating, "The Senate must pass the legislation."