Divide the Axis of Evil: O'Brien's Game Plan for Countering Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran

Former Trump administration national security adviser Robert O'Brien proposes a comprehensive strategy to drive a wedge between the so-called "axis of evil" nations, including Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran, amid growing concerns over their alliance.

Former Trump administration national security adviser Robert O'Brien has outlined a potential game plan to divide the so-called "axis of evil" nations of Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran, as their relations continue to strengthen.

O'Brien, appearing on CBS' "Face the Nation," attributed the flourishing of this new alliance to the Biden administration's "lack of American leadership" on the world stage. He criticized the administration's handling of America's role, saying, "We haven't seen peace or strength."

Divide the Axis of Evil: O'Brien's Game Plan for Countering Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran

Divide the Axis of Evil: O'Brien's Game Plan for Countering Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran

To drive a wedge between the axis of evil, O'Brien proposed increasing domestic energy production in the United States. He noted that Russia's reliance on energy exports underpins the economies of its allies. By boosting American energy production, the U.S. could reduce their dependence on Russian oil and gas.

O'Brien also called for imposing sanctions on the Russian Federation Central Bank and reducing Russian oil sales. Additionally, he advocated for "putting maximum pressure back on the Iranians" to weaken their alliance with Russia.

Divide the Axis of Evil: O'Brien's Game Plan for Countering Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran

Divide the Axis of Evil: O'Brien's Game Plan for Countering Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran

O'Brien emphasized the importance of strengthening the U.S. military and Navy to assert "peace through strength." He called for rebuilding shipyards, increasing the number of ships produced, and increasing defense spending.

After failing to prevent Russia's invasion of Ukraine, O'Brien stressed the need for a strong posture in Asia to deter China from a similar invasion of Taiwan. He suggested moving U.S. Marines from Europe to bases in Guam, Hawaii, the Philippines, and Australia to send a clear message to China.

Divide the Axis of Evil: O'Brien's Game Plan for Countering Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran

Divide the Axis of Evil: O'Brien's Game Plan for Countering Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran

O'Brien argued that "strength will deter the Chinese from invading. It's not talk. It's how they see our force posture." He emphasized that the key is to deter war rather than engaging in conflict.

Amid the growing alliance between Russia and North Korea, China has remained silent, raising concerns about a potential shift in regional power dynamics. China's silence could signal either support for the alliance or a desire to maintain neutrality.

The strengthening of the axis of evil poses significant threats to global security. Their combined military capabilities, nuclear arsenals, and economic influence could destabilize regions worldwide and challenge the global order.

O'Brien's game plan provides a roadmap for countering the growing threat posed by the axis of evil. By implementing these measures, the U.S. can divide their alliance, strengthen its own position, and promote peace and stability in the world.