DNC Fears Chicago Convention Could Be Marred by Anti-Israel Protests

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is reportedly worried that the upcoming 2024 convention in Chicago could be overshadowed by anti-Israel protests and other possible disruptions. According to a new Politico column, the committee fears that potential protesters could make an embarrassing spectacle out of the event and disrupt the party's plans for an in-person gathering.

DNC Fears Chicago Convention Could Be Marred by Anti-Israel Protests

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is facing mounting concerns about the potential for anti-Israel protests and other disruptions at its upcoming 2024 convention in Chicago. According to a new Politico column, the committee fears that the event could be overshadowed by raucous demonstrators, who have become increasingly savvy at infiltrating high-profile events and provoking reactions.

The column, written by Politico senior political columnist Jonathan Martin, highlights the DNC's dilemma as it tries to balance the expectations of its donors for an in-person event with the fear of potential protests that could embarrass the party. The اللجنة fear these protest could be used to attack President Biden, who has been repeatedly disrupted at public events by demonstrators calling out his support for Israel.

DNC Fears Chicago Convention Could Be Marred by Anti-Israel Protests

"What alarms some Democratic strategists is the evolution of this era’s protests," Martin writes. "Protesters are savvier — they’ve managed to get inside dozens of events featuring the president and vice president — and their demonstrations also include some bad actors who are determined to provoke a reaction."

The column also expresses concerns about the attitude of Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson, who is seen by the DNC as sympathetic to the protesters. Johnson has a history of progressive political activism and has recently expressed understanding for the value of protests.

DNC Fears Chicago Convention Could Be Marred by Anti-Israel Protests

"Without protests and real demands of a government, people of color and women do not have a place in society," Johnson said when asked about security at the convention.

Johnson's comments have raised concerns among Democrats, who worry that he may not be sufficiently committed to maintaining order at the convention. The column also highlights the strained relationship between Johnson and Governor J.B. Pritzker, which could further exacerbate tensions ahead of the event.

"They’ve disagreed on issues from immigration to a new, subsidized stadium for the Chicago Bears," Martin writes. "This tension will be exacerbating matters ahead of the convention."

The DNC and Chicago mayor's office have not yet responded to requests for comment. However, the committee's concerns are a clear indication of the challenges it faces in planning for a successful convention in the wake of increasing political polarization and activism.