Doctor Raises Concerns: President Biden Exhibits Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease

A renowned neurologist, Dr. Tom Pitts, has expressed alarm over President Biden's visible symptoms, suggesting the possibility of Parkinson's disease. Dr. Pitts, known for his expertise in the disorder, has identified several telltale signs that point to neurodegeneration.

Dr. Tom Pitts, a respected neurologist, has sparked a discussion regarding President Biden's cognitive and physical health, raising concerns about whether he may be suffering from Parkinson's disease. Based on publicly observable symptoms, Dr. Pitts believes the president exhibits classic signs of the neurodegenerative disorder.

Despite not having directly examined President Biden, Dr. Pitts asserts that Parkinson's is one of the more easily diagnosable movement disorders. In an interview with NBC News Now, he described the president's apparent symptoms, including rigidity of movement, loss of arm swing, slow movement, and shuffling gait.

Doctor Raises Concerns: President Biden Exhibits Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease

Doctor Raises Concerns: President Biden Exhibits Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease

"I could've diagnosed him from across the Mall," Dr. Pitts stated, emphasizing the visibility of the symptoms. He singled out the president's "hallmark" signs of Parkinson's, such as rigidity and bradykinesia, which are characterized by stiffness and slowed movement, respectively.

Dr. Pitts also noted Presidente Biden's "shuffling gait," characterized by a reduced swing of the arms and difficulty pivoting during turns. Additionally, he emphasized the president's "hypophonia," or small, monotone voice, which can be indicative of Parkinson's over time.

Doctor Raises Concerns: President Biden Exhibits Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease

Doctor Raises Concerns: President Biden Exhibits Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease

When contacted for comment, the White House directed Fox News Digital to a February health summary letter from the president's physician, Dr. Kevin O'Connor. The letter stated that a detailed neurological exam found no evidence of neurological or other disorders such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's, or cervical myelopathy.

However, Dr. Pitts maintains that the visible symptoms he has observed raise concerns about possible underlying neurodegeneration in the president. He stressed that a professional medical examination is necessary for a definitive diagnosis.

Doctor Raises Concerns: President Biden Exhibits Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease

Doctor Raises Concerns: President Biden Exhibits Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease

Dr. Pitts' comments come amid scrutiny of President Biden's cognitive abilities, which have been the subject of ongoing speculation and discussion. The White House has consistently maintained that the president is fit for office, citing his ability to fulfill his duties and the results of his regular medical evaluations.

The issue of presidential health has garnered significant attention, particularly given the president's age and the demands of the office. The public is eager to understand the state of the president's health and its potential impact on his ability to serve effectively.

As the debate surrounding President Biden's health continues, it is crucial to rely on objective medical evidence and expert opinions. While Dr. Pitts' observations raise questions, a thorough medical examination and ongoing monitoring are essential for determining the nature of the president's symptoms and ensuring his well-being.