Donald Trump Jr. Outlines Plans for Veto Power Over 'RINOs' in Potential Second Trump Administration

In an exclusive interview with Fox News Digital, Donald Trump Jr. expressed his desire for a role in his father's administration if the former president is re-elected but not as an advisor. Instead, he seeks "veto power over the RINOs" and the ability to prevent "bad guys" from holding positions of power.

Donald Trump Jr., the eldest son of former President Donald Trump, has revealed his aspirations for a potential second Trump administration, expressing his reluctance to assume a formal role but emphasizing his desire for influence in the decision-making process.

In an exclusive interview with Fox News Digital, Trump Jr. disclosed his plans for a veto power over "RINOs," an acronym for "Republicans in name only," and his intention to prevent individuals he deems harmful to the nation from gaining political authority.

Donald Trump Jr. Outlines Plans for Veto Power Over 'RINOs' in Potential Second Trump Administration

Donald Trump Jr. Outlines Plans for Veto Power Over 'RINOs' in Potential Second Trump Administration

"I think it is critical for the movement going forward," Trump Jr. said, emphasizing the importance of preventing "bad guys" from acquiring power.

While he had no formal role in his father's first administration, Trump Jr. expressed his excitement for a potential second Trump term, asserting that this time they would enter office with a deeper understanding of the political landscape and the individuals they needed to confront.

Donald Trump Jr. Outlines Plans for Veto Power Over 'RINOs' in Potential Second Trump Administration

Donald Trump Jr. Outlines Plans for Veto Power Over 'RINOs' in Potential Second Trump Administration

"We know who the snakes are. We know how to deal with the bad guys," he said. "I think we can get up and running so quickly, and I think everyone else understands that too."

Trump Jr. attributed the Democrats' legal pursuits against his father to their fear of his knowledge and experience. He expressed confidence that Trump's knowledge and effectiveness as a leader would be even greater in a second term.

Donald Trump Jr. Outlines Plans for Veto Power Over 'RINOs' in Potential Second Trump Administration

Donald Trump Jr. Outlines Plans for Veto Power Over 'RINOs' in Potential Second Trump Administration

Reflecting on the assassination attempt against his father at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, Trump Jr. revealed that the former president was doing well despite the serious incident.

"He's vibrant, obviously a very heavy and somber moment, but when I walk around the floor here, I see unity like I've never seen before," he said. "I see great people that understand the gravity of the situation, but also understand what's going on and what's happening in our country and they are really ready to be involved and to bring that back."

Donald Trump Jr. Outlines Plans for Veto Power Over 'RINOs' in Potential Second Trump Administration

Donald Trump Jr. Outlines Plans for Veto Power Over 'RINOs' in Potential Second Trump Administration

Trump Jr. also highlighted his support for Senator J.D. Vance as his father's running mate, describing Vance as an "incredible America First patriot" and a skilled communicator who would contribute to the longevity of the movement.

"I love having a young, articulate, energetic guy as someone who can help also keep this movement going for generations to come — I think that is so fundamental and so important," he said.

Commenting on recent legal developments in cases involving his father, Trump Jr. expressed optimism, stating, "We can't stop winning." He attributed the dismissals and delays to fears within the Democratic party.

"They fear that he comes in with knowledge and that experience, and that he can be an even more effective leader than he was the first time around — and I thought he was pretty darn effective," he said.