Dozens of Ex-Intel Officials Stand by Discredited Hunter Biden Laptop Letter Despite Evidence

Dozens of former intelligence officials who signed a letter dismissing Hunter Biden's laptop as Russian disinformation remain steadfast despite the device being admitted as evidence in his criminal trial.

Dozens of Ex-Intel Officials Stand by Discredited Hunter Biden Laptop Letter Despite Evidence

In the wake of the Hunter Biden laptop being introduced as evidence in his ongoing criminal trial, dozens of former intelligence officials who previously signed a letter discrediting the device are either doubling down or refusing to retract their stance.

Fox News Digital reached out to all 51 signatories of the heavily criticized October 2020 letter, published just before the presidential election, to inquire if they regretted their decision now that the laptop is being used by the prosecution to prove Hunter Biden committed a federal gun crime.

Dozens of Ex-Intel Officials Stand by Discredited Hunter Biden Laptop Letter Despite Evidence

Former Obama Director of National Intelligence James Clapper flatly denied any regret, declining to remove his name from the letter or acknowledge that signatories should have waited for more information.

Attorney Mark Zaid, representing seven of the signatories, defended the letter's significance and labeled it "patriotic," claiming it served as a warning about foreign governments, including Russia, interfering in domestic affairs.

Dozens of Ex-Intel Officials Stand by Discredited Hunter Biden Laptop Letter Despite Evidence

Greg Treverton, another signatory, maintained the accuracy of the letter, arguing it was based on experience and inferring Russian involvement without explicitly stating it.

Former CIA Director Michael Hayden and former CIA chief of staff Larry Pfeiffer declined to comment, while former National Counterterrorism Center Director Russ Travers dismissed the issue as having been addressed years ago.

Dozens of Ex-Intel Officials Stand by Discredited Hunter Biden Laptop Letter Despite Evidence

Despite the letter's contents stating that the signatories did not have evidence of Russian involvement but were suspicious based on experience, former intel officials did not publicly push back against Politico's headline characterizing the letter as declaring the Hunter Biden story Russian disinformation.

Zaid cited journalism practices as a potential reason for the headline discrepancy and emphasized that many signatories spoke out later to clarify their intentions.

The laptop, initially dismissed as disinformation by Democrats and media outlets, has now become key evidence in Hunter Biden's gun trial. Federal investigators knew in December 2019 that the laptop was authentic and contained reliable evidence, but were allegedly obstructed from accessing all available information, according to an IRS whistleblower.

The full list of the 51 signatories includes notable figures such as former CIA Director Leon Panetta, former Director of National Intelligence Jim Clapper, and former CIA acting Director John McLaughlin.