Drew Bledsoe's Gisele Joke: Assisted by Wife, Reveals NFL Star

Former NFL quarterback Drew Bledsoe's zinger about Tom Brady and Gisele Bündchen's marriage on Netflix's "The Greatest Roast of All Time: Tom Brady" was not entirely his own creation. Bledsoe's wife, Maura, provided the assist, helping him craft a "softer" joke than his original idea.

Drew Bledsoe's Gisele Joke: Assisted by Wife, Reveals NFL Star

Former NFL quarterback Drew Bledsoe's sharp-tongued joke about Tom Brady and Gisele Bündchen's marriage during Netflix's "The Greatest Roast of All Time: Tom Brady" was not entirely his own creation.

In an appearance on the "Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz" on Monday, Bledsoe revealed that his wife, Maura, assisted him in crafting the quip.

Drew Bledsoe's Gisele Joke: Assisted by Wife, Reveals NFL Star

"My bro, one of the funniest humans I know, he helped out," Bledsoe began. "And I'm gonna get in really, really big trouble for this, but I'm willing to wear it. The Gisele joke, that actually came from my wife. Don't tell her I told you."

Bledsoe went on to explain that his wife's input was crucial in softening the joke's impact.

Drew Bledsoe's Gisele Joke: Assisted by Wife, Reveals NFL Star

"But the truth is it was a replacement for a joke that I had written that was far worse, and she said no, you can't do that one. So, she helped me write something that was little more of a softball."

Despite Bledsoe's reluctance to reveal his original joke, the fact that his wife played a role in the final product is a testament to her comedic sensibilities.

Bledsoe's joke, which quipped that Brady "got really used to not being touched — just like the end of the marriage," drew mixed reactions. However, the involvement of his wife in its creation adds an interesting layer to the story.

According to People magazine, Bündchen was "deeply disappointed" with the jokes hurled at her during the roast, and their two children were "affected" by the event.

Bündchen and Brady divorced in 2022 after 13 years of marriage. They share two children, Benjamin, 14, and Vivian, 11.

Drew Bledsoe's wife, Maura, is a former model and entrepreneur. The couple has been married since 2000 and has three children together.

Bledsoe's revelation about his wife's involvement in his Gisele joke highlights the importance of collaboration and support in comedy. Even the most successful comedians often rely on the input of others to refine and polish their material.

In this instance, Maura Bledsoe's comedic instincts helped her husband deliver a joke that was both humorous and appropriate for the occasion.