Duke Physician Fired for Criticizing DEI Push Speaks Out, Calls for Renunciation of "Unscientific" Agenda

Dr. Kendall Conger, an emergency room physician, alleges his dismissal from Duke University's health system stemmed from his vocal opposition to the institution's diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, sparking outrage from a civil rights organization seeking to challenge the program's lack of scientific basis.

Duke University Hospital's firing of emergency room physician Dr. Kendall Conger, who criticized the institution's diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) push, has ignited a firestorm of controversy, prompting an organization to launch a petition urging the university to abandon its "unscientific" agenda.

Conger claims his dismissal resulted from his public disagreement with Duke Health's pledge against racism, which he deemed unsubstantiated by medical evidence. The university's stance, he argues, elevates diversity over merit in hiring practices, thereby compromising patient care.

Duke Physician Fired for Criticizing DEI Push Speaks Out, Calls for Renunciation of

Duke Physician Fired for Criticizing DEI Push Speaks Out, Calls for Renunciation of "Unscientific" Agenda

In response to Conger's allegations, Color Us United, an organization advocating for a race-blind society, has initiated a petition demanding that Duke Health remove its "divisive race-based ideology" and denounce its anti-racism pledge. The organization cites disturbing developments within the university's DEI programs, including mandatory anti-racism training that labels White males as "agents of oppression" and prioritizes diversity over merit in hiring.

Color Us United president Kenny Xu expressed concern over the potential bias against White patients, highlighting a surgeon's claim about serving predominantly non-White patients. Xu labeled such attitudes as "unscientific, unethical, and unjust," emphasizing the paramount importance of serving all patients impartially.

Duke Physician Fired for Criticizing DEI Push Speaks Out, Calls for Renunciation of

Duke Physician Fired for Criticizing DEI Push Speaks Out, Calls for Renunciation of "Unscientific" Agenda

The petition, which aims to gather 10,000 signatures, urges Duke to abandon its anti-racism program and acknowledge the lack of scientific evidence supporting its DEI initiatives. Additionally, the organization seeks Conger's reinstatement, considering it a necessary step toward restoring scientific integrity.

Xu criticized Duke's failure to provide clinical evidence justifying its anti-racism program, emphasizing the need for evidence-based practices in healthcare. He believes that the university's adherence to unproven theories undermines its credibility and compromises patient care.

Duke Physician Fired for Criticizing DEI Push Speaks Out, Calls for Renunciation of

Duke Physician Fired for Criticizing DEI Push Speaks Out, Calls for Renunciation of "Unscientific" Agenda

Color Us United's efforts have garnered attention from community leaders, including board of trustees members and major donors. Xu emphasized the importance of their support in pressuring Duke to reconsider its approach and align with scientific principles.

Despite Color Us United's campaign, Duke Health has not yet responded to requests for comment. However, the organization remains determined to hold the university accountable for its alleged "unscientific and divisive" practices, which it believes threaten both patient care and the integrity of healthcare.