Dunn Blasts Dems, Media for "Horrible Attacks" on Biden

Former Biden adviser Anita Dunn accuses her party and the press of "unremitting negative" attacks that damaged the president's reelection bid.

Former Biden adviser Anita Dunn has launched a scathing attack on Democratic Party leaders and the mainstream media, accusing them of "horrible" attacks against President Biden that undermined his reelection chances.

Dunn, who recently left the White House to join the Harris campaign, spoke to Politico about the fallout from the disastrous presidential debate this summer, in which Biden stumbled through a number of answers and which ultimately led to him being replaced on the ticket by Vice President Kamala Harris.

Dunn Blasts Dems, Media for

Dunn Blasts Dems, Media for "Horrible Attacks" on Biden

Dunn said that while the debate itself wasn't particularly bad, it was what followed that proved critical.

"So [former President] Trump didn’t gain any ground in the debate whatsoever. And we actually picked up a few votes in the group. So it was a bad debate, but it didn’t feel catastrophic at all, certainly in terms of voters," she said.

Dunn Blasts Dems, Media for

Dunn Blasts Dems, Media for "Horrible Attacks" on Biden

"And I think other people who did independent research saw roughly the same thing. If you go back and you look at the polls, what you will see is you didn’t see much movement whatsoever coming out of the debate because the structure of this campaign had been fairly static for a long time, and the debate didn’t change that."

But Dunn said that the situation changed dramatically in the weeks that followed, as Biden faced a barrage of negative attacks from both within his own party and from the press.

Dunn Blasts Dems, Media for

Dunn Blasts Dems, Media for "Horrible Attacks" on Biden

"What did change it was 24 days of unremitting negative, horrible attacks on Joe Biden," she said.

When asked to clarify who those attacks came from, Dunn pulled no punches: "From his own party and from the press."

She also said that after that debate there was a press atmosphere that was "just unremittingly negative" and was made worse by leaders of the party speaking out.

"Clearly there were leaders of the party who decided to go ahead and go very public. And that gave permission to other people to go public," she said.

Dunn was asked if an example of that was when former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., went on TV twice in the days after the debate.

"Absolutely," she said.

Dunn later side-stepped a question about whether Biden is still angry at Pelosi, as well as former President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. — while also taking another swipe at some in leadership.

"The task in front of us is to win this election and to not let Donald Trump become president again and to win the House of Representatives, which had certain leaders in 2022 done a slightly better job, maybe we would control today, but we don’t," she said.

Tensions have been simmering internally within the Biden camp. NBC News reported that those tensions boiled over in light of the debate, with Biden family members discussing whether Dunn should be fired — reportedly angered by her suggestion first son Hunter Biden keep a low profile.

Dunn was asked about a letter sent by President Biden to lawmakers saying he wasn’t getting out of the race, which she admits backfired on some members. When asked if Hunter was involved, she said: "That is not true."