Elle Macpherson: Today's Models Need to 'Come Back Down to Earth'

Supermodel Elle Macpherson, known as "The Body," shares her perspective on the current modeling industry, urging models to be more relatable and avoid placing themselves on a pedestal. She also reveals her secret battle with breast cancer, opting for an alternative, holistic approach to her treatment.

Supermodel Elle Macpherson, known as "The Body" due to her captivating physique, has expressed her concerns about the current modeling industry, stating that models need to "come back down to earth" and connect with the public on a more personal level.

Elle Macpherson: Today's Models Need to 'Come Back Down to Earth'

Elle Macpherson: Today's Models Need to 'Come Back Down to Earth'

In an interview with Women's Weekly magazine, Macpherson shared her perspective on the glamorized portrayal of models in today's society, emphasizing the importance of authenticity and relatability. She believes that models should focus less on presenting an unattainable image and instead strive to be inspiring role models.

"Today's models need to get off the pedestal and come back down to earth," Macpherson asserted. "They need to be more relatable, more accessible, and show that they're just normal people with normal lives."

Elle Macpherson: Today's Models Need to 'Come Back Down to Earth'

Elle Macpherson: Today's Models Need to 'Come Back Down to Earth'

In a separate revelation, Macpherson disclosed that she has kept her battle with breast cancer a secret for the past seven years. After being diagnosed with HER2+ oestrogen receptive intraductal carcinoma, she opted for an alternative, holistic approach to her treatment, defying traditional medical recommendations.

Macpherson consulted with numerous doctors and experts, seeking a solution that aligned with her beliefs and values. She underwent integrative medicine, including alternative therapies and lifestyle changes, under the supervision of a doctor specializing in naturopathy.

Elle Macpherson: Today's Models Need to 'Come Back Down to Earth'

Elle Macpherson: Today's Models Need to 'Come Back Down to Earth'

Macpherson's family members had mixed reactions to her decision to pursue a non-pharmaceutical route for her cancer treatment. Her sons, Arpad "Flynn" Alexander Busson and Aurelius "Cy" Andrea Busson, expressed concerns, with Cy believing that chemotherapy would be harmful.

Despite the initial hesitation, Macpherson's family ultimately supported her choice. Her ex-partner, André "Arki" Arpad Busson, acknowledged his own fears but expressed pride in Macpherson's courage.

Elle Macpherson: Today's Models Need to 'Come Back Down to Earth'

Elle Macpherson: Today's Models Need to 'Come Back Down to Earth'

Macpherson emphasizes that her treatment path is not for everyone, recognizing the importance of individualized approaches to cancer care. She believes that each person should make choices that resonate with their own values and beliefs.

"There was no sure thing and absolutely no guarantees. There was no ‘right’ way, just the right way for me," Macpherson stated. "I chose a holistic approach. Saying no to standard medical solutions was the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life."

Elle Macpherson: Today's Models Need to 'Come Back Down to Earth'

Elle Macpherson: Today's Models Need to 'Come Back Down to Earth'

More than half a decade after her initial diagnosis, Macpherson reports being in "utter wellness." She believes that her holistic approach has not only addressed the physical aspects of her cancer but has also helped her to heal on an emotional and spiritual level.

Macpherson encourages others to prioritize their own well-being and make choices that align with their authentic selves. She emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and the courage to defy societal norms in order to pursue true fulfillment.

Elle Macpherson: Today's Models Need to 'Come Back Down to Earth'

Elle Macpherson: Today's Models Need to 'Come Back Down to Earth'