European Parliament Elections 2024: A Conservative Shift on the Horizon

The 2024 European Parliament elections are expected to bring a shift to the right as voters express frustration over the high cost of living, migration, and the fallout from the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

European Parliament Elections 2024: A Conservative Shift on the Horizon

With the European Parliament elections approaching in June 2024, voters across the European Union are poised to elect lawmakers for the next five years. The outgoing parliament has been governed by a three-group majority, but the upcoming election is anticipated to result in a shift to the right.

The outgoing European Parliament has been governed by a three-group majority consisting of the center-right European People's Party (EPP), the center-left Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D), and the liberal Renew Europe. Together, they have played a significant role in steering EU policy, including the Green Deal and the EU's response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

European Parliament Elections 2024: A Conservative Shift on the Horizon

However, the groups of the hard and far right have gained momentum in recent years, with voters frustrated by economic hardships and immigration policies drifting away from mainstream parties. These groups have been fluid in their alliances, regrouping, renaming, and relaunching since the last election.

The largest group in the European Parliament, dominated by German Christian Democrats, the EPP has forged an alliance with the S&D and Renew Europe. While it has supported the Green Deal in the past, it has become more skeptical in the lead-up to the election.

The second-largest group, the S&D has been embroiled in the Qatargate cash-for-lobbying scandal. It prioritizes combating unemployment and social justice.

Dominated by French President Emmanuel Macron's Renaissance party, Renew Europe is pro-EU and supports democratic values. However, it is expected to suffer setbacks in the upcoming election.

Dominated by Germany's Greens, this group has had success in promoting climate change policies but is projected to lose seats this time around due to concerns about the economic impact of the green transition.

This group focuses on workers' rights, economic justice, and equality. However, a breakaway faction from Germany has increased uncertainty about its prospects.

This hard-right group is home to Poland's eurosceptic Law and Justice (PiS) and Italy's Fratelli d'Italia. They are critical of EU overreach and immigration but have shown willingness to cooperate with others.

The furthest right group in parliament, with France's RN, the ID has gained support as voters express concerns about the cost of living and migration. However, the expulsion of Alternative for Germany after accusations of espionage and serving Russian interests has weakened the group.

The 2024 European Parliament elections are expected to result in a shift to the right, with groups such as the EPP, ECR, and ID gaining ground as voters seek alternatives to mainstream parties. The outcome of the election will have significant implications for EU policy and the balance of power in the region.