Evangelicals 'on the bandwagon' for Trump after being skeptical in 2016: Dr. Ben Carson

A recent poll by the Pew Research Center found that former President Trump is winning the Catholic and Protestant vote.

Former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson believes that the evangelical vote will be crucial in the Iowa caucuses. This comes after Donald Trump's historic win in the 2016 election.

According to a recent Pew Research Center poll, Trump is currently winning the Catholic and Protestant vote. The survey, conducted from Aug. 26-Sept. 2, found that 52% of Catholics and 61% of Protestants support Trump for president, while 47% of Catholics and 37% of Protestants back Kamala Harris.

Evangelicals 'on the bandwagon' for Trump after being skeptical in 2016: Dr. Ben Carson

Evangelicals 'on the bandwagon' for Trump after being skeptical in 2016: Dr. Ben Carson

Carson believes that Trump's support among religious voters is due to Harris's radical positions on issues such as abortion and religious freedom.

Harris has been a vocal advocate for abortion rights. In 2014, she filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, calling on the court to force Hobby Lobby to violate its religious beliefs and cover the cost of contraception for its employees. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Hobby Lobby, protecting the family-owned arts and crafts chain to operate its business in line with its religious beliefs and values.

Evangelicals 'on the bandwagon' for Trump after being skeptical in 2016: Dr. Ben Carson

Evangelicals 'on the bandwagon' for Trump after being skeptical in 2016: Dr. Ben Carson

As attorney general of California, Harris was also a co-sponsor of the Reproductive FACT Act, which required medically licensed pro-life pregnancy centers to display signs advertising low-cost or free abortions available in California. The law was struck down by the Supreme Court in 2018, which ruled that it "unduly burdens protected speech."

Harris has also introduced legislation that would have ended religious exemptions for certain government mandates, such as rules requiring insurance coverage of specific medical procedures. This legislation would have undermined the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, a 1993 landmark law that protects the rights of people of faith to worship freely and in accordance with their conscience.

Evangelicals 'on the bandwagon' for Trump after being skeptical in 2016: Dr. Ben Carson

Evangelicals 'on the bandwagon' for Trump after being skeptical in 2016: Dr. Ben Carson

Carson believes that Trump's support among evangelicals is due to his commitment to religious freedom. He points to Trump's appointment of conservative judges to the Supreme Court, as well as his executive orders protecting religious liberty.

Carson believes that Trump's strong support among evangelicals will be a major factor in the Iowa caucuses. He believes that Trump will win the caucuses and go on to win the Republican nomination.

Evangelicals 'on the bandwagon' for Trump after being skeptical in 2016: Dr. Ben Carson

Evangelicals 'on the bandwagon' for Trump after being skeptical in 2016: Dr. Ben Carson

In addition to the issues mentioned above, Harris has also been criticized for her questioning of judicial nominees on their affiliation with the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic fraternal organization. Critics have accused Harris of suggesting that involvement with the Knights of Columbus disqualifies a nominee for potential bias.

When Carson served as President Trump's ambassador to the Holy See, he witnessed the importance of having a president who stands up for religious freedom. He believes that President Trump has a proven track record for promoting and protecting religious freedom at home and abroad.

Evangelicals 'on the bandwagon' for Trump after being skeptical in 2016: Dr. Ben Carson

Evangelicals 'on the bandwagon' for Trump after being skeptical in 2016: Dr. Ben Carson

In contrast, Carson believes that Kamala Harris has repeatedly advanced an anti-faith agenda. He believes that her positions on issues such as abortion and religious freedom are out of step with the values of most Americans.

For more commentary from Callista Gingrich, visit Gingrich360.com.