Evangeline Lilly Retires from Acting to Pursue Her Dharma

Actress Evangeline Lilly, known for her roles in "Lost" and the "Ant-Man" series, has bid farewell to Hollywood after decades in the industry. In an Instagram post, she expressed her fulfillment in manifesting a prophecy she made over 20 years ago.

Evangeline Lilly Retires from Acting to Pursue Her Dharma

Evangeline Lilly, the acclaimed actress renowned for her performances in "Lost" and the "Ant-Man" franchise, has announced her departure from the entertainment industry. Through an Instagram post that has garnered widespread attention, Lilly revealed her profound joy and contentment in embracing a different path in life.

In the post, Lilly shared a video clip from nearly two decades ago, capturing a moment when she eloquently articulated her dreams under a celestial full moon. With introspection and clarity, she envisioned her life 10 years into the future.

Evangeline Lilly Retires from Acting to Pursue Her Dharma

"Ten years from now, where would I like to be? I am terrified to admit this to the rest of the acting world, but ideally, 10 years from now I'd like to be a retired actress," she confessed. Her desire resonated with a longing to establish a family, pursue her passion for writing, and potentially engage in humanitarian work.

Lilly's vision aligned with the profound insights imparted by renowned poet and civil rights activist Maya Angelou. Angelou emphasized the ephemeral nature of life's experiences and the importance of embracing change. "Most of us get a kind of, comfy idea of ourselves and we stick with it – don't we? You don't," she asserted. "I know that we're all in process, and as nice as this seat is and this room is and how nice it is to be with you and have some relatives in the background, respectful and gracious directors and producers and floor managers around – this too will change."

Evangeline Lilly Retires from Acting to Pursue Her Dharma

Lilly's decision to step away from Hollywood is a testament to her unwavering commitment to living an authentic and fulfilling life. Her journey has been marked by a deep connection to her spirituality and a desire to transcend the limitations imposed by traditional societal expectations.

In a previous interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Lilly had hinted at her desire to leave Hollywood. Following her departure from "Lost," she initially resisted the lure of returning to the big screen. However, director Peter Jackson's compelling vision for "The Hobbit" ultimately won her over.

"I made a decision and I decided to go do the film. I had a wonderful time making that movie: One of the highlights in my life was living in New Zealand for that year and being a part of that family," she recounted. "That helped, opened my eyes to the fact that, OK, this job can be a joy, it's just a matter of how you approach it, and what you do with it, how much I put myself out there, and to a certain degree, how much I work."

Lilly's departure from Hollywood is a poignant reminder of the ever-evolving nature of human existence. It underscores the importance of pursuing one's dharma, the unique path destined for each individual. As she embarks on this new chapter, Evangeline Lilly leaves behind a legacy of memorable performances that will continue to inspire and captivate audiences for generations to come.