Every State is Now a Border State: Wisconsin U.S. Senate Candidate

Wisconsin U.S. Senate candidate Eric Hovde discusses the report that a Venezuelan man, possibly gang-affiliated, was arrested in Wisconsin for alleged violent acts toward a woman on 'The Ingraham Angle.'

Every state is now a border state in the sense that no state is immune from the effects of illegal immigration and drug trafficking. This is especially true for Wisconsin, which shares a border with Canada and is a major transit route for drugs and illegal immigrants.

In recent months, there have been several high-profile cases of illegal immigrants being arrested in Wisconsin for violent crimes. In one case, a Venezuelan man was arrested for allegedly assaulting a woman in Milwaukee. In another case, a Mexican man was arrested for allegedly shooting and killing a man in Racine.

Every State is Now a Border State: Wisconsin U.S. Senate Candidate

Every State is Now a Border State: Wisconsin U.S. Senate Candidate

These cases are a reminder that illegal immigration is not a victimless crime. Illegal immigrants often commit crimes, and they can also bring diseases and other problems into our communities.

It is time for us to take action to secure our borders and stop the flow of illegal immigration. We need to build a wall on our southern border, and we need to increase the number of Border Patrol agents. We also need to pass laws that make it easier to deport illegal immigrants and that crack down on businesses that hire illegal immigrants.

Every State is Now a Border State: Wisconsin U.S. Senate Candidate

Every State is Now a Border State: Wisconsin U.S. Senate Candidate

Only by taking these steps can we secure our borders and protect our communities from the dangers of illegal immigration.

Wisconsin U.S. Senate candidate Eric Hovde discussed the report that a Venezuelan man, possibly gang-affiliated, was arrested in Wisconsin for alleged violent acts toward a woman on 'The Ingraham Angle.'

Every State is Now a Border State: Wisconsin U.S. Senate Candidate

Every State is Now a Border State: Wisconsin U.S. Senate Candidate

Hovde said that the arrest is a reminder of the dangers of illegal immigration and the need to secure our borders.

"This is another example of how illegal immigration is not a victimless crime," Hovde said. "Illegal immigrants often commit crimes, and they can also bring diseases and other problems into our communities."

Every State is Now a Border State: Wisconsin U.S. Senate Candidate

Every State is Now a Border State: Wisconsin U.S. Senate Candidate

Hovde said that he supports building a wall on the southern border and increasing the number of Border Patrol agents. He also said that he supports laws that make it easier to deport illegal immigrants and that crack down on businesses that hire illegal immigrants.

"We need to take action to secure our borders and stop the flow of illegal immigration," Hovde said. "Only by taking these steps can we protect our communities from the dangers of illegal immigration."

Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., has come under increased scrutiny over her years-long relationship with a private wealth adviser whom she owns a residence with.

Baldwin's partner, Maria Brisbane, advises the uber wealthy on industries regulated by Baldwin, creating a potential conflict of interest.

Republican Senate candidate Eric Hovde has called on Baldwin to disclose her partner's assets and clients.

"Sen. Baldwin's partner, Maria Brisbane, advises the uber wealthy on industries regulated by Baldwin, creating a massive conflict of interest that merits further investigation," Hovde said in a recent statement. "Sen. Baldwin should immediately disclose her partner's assets and client list – the people of Wisconsin deserve transparency."

Baldwin has not disclosed Brisbane's assets or client list in her own financial disclosures. However, she is not required to by the current rules.

Baldwin has responded to Hovde's criticism by saying that she has never shared inside information with her partner and that she is leading the fight to ban senators from purchasing any individual stocks.

"This ad is a complete lie," Baldwin said in a statement. "The truth is Tammy Baldwin's never shared inside information with her partner and Tammy Baldwin's leading the fight to ban senators from purchasing any individual stocks."

Hovde has called for Brisbane's ties to industries Baldwin regulates to be investigated.

"Tammy regulates the biotech industry," an ad from his campaign said last week. "Maria advises clients in the biotech industry. If they were married, they would have to disclose their financial conflicts. But they aren't married, so they can share inside information to get rich. It's time to investigate Sen. Tammy Baldwin. She's in bed with Wall Street."

Baldwin and Brisbane are not married, but they purchased a residence in Washington, D.C., together and share it. Both of their names are on the property's deed. According to Baldwin's campaign, the two split the cost of the condominium and Brisbane paid for hers in cash while Baldwin took out a mortgage on her half.

The campaign also said Baldwin and Brisbane do not share bank accounts.

In a recent Marquette University Law School poll, Baldwin led Hovde 51% to 45% among registered voters in Wisconsin.

Top political handicapper, the Cook Political Report, rated the election as a slight advantage for Baldwin, labeling it "lean Democrat," alongside several other competitive Senate races.