Ex-Obama Advisers Side with 'Devastating' Clooney Op-ed on Biden

Former Obama advisers have come out in support of a "devastating" op-ed by George Clooney, expressing their own concerns about President Biden's ability to serve and win re-election. The op-ed, published in The Washington Post, has sparked a growing debate among Democrats about Biden's future.

Former Obama advisers have joined the chorus of voices expressing concerns about President Biden's ability to lead and win re-election. Their support for a "devastating" op-ed written by actor and activist George Clooney has amplified a growing debate within the Democratic Party.

In the op-ed, Clooney criticized Biden's handling of several crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic and the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan. He argued that these missteps have "weakened our position in the world" and "made it harder to unite our country at home."

Ex-Obama Advisers Side with 'Devastating' Clooney Op-ed on Biden

Ex-Obama Advisers Side with 'Devastating' Clooney Op-ed on Biden

Clooney's op-ed has resonated with many Democrats, who have shared their own concerns about Biden's performance. Former Obama adviser Robert Gibbs tweeted that the piece was "insightful and honest," adding that "Biden's team needs to read this."

Another former Obama adviser, David Axelrod, also expressed support for Clooney's op-ed. He said that Biden should "take a hard look at his own performance" and "make some changes" if he wants to win re-election.

Ex-Obama Advisers Side with 'Devastating' Clooney Op-ed on Biden

Ex-Obama Advisers Side with 'Devastating' Clooney Op-ed on Biden

The growing concerns about Biden's presidency have led to speculation that he may face a primary challenge from within his own party. Several potential candidates have been mentioned, including Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and California Governor Gavin Newsom.

However, the White House has dismissed the idea of a primary challenge, arguing that Biden remains strong and has a "proven track record of success." Biden himself has also expressed confidence in his ability to win re-election.

Ex-Obama Advisers Side with 'Devastating' Clooney Op-ed on Biden

Ex-Obama Advisers Side with 'Devastating' Clooney Op-ed on Biden

Despite Biden's confidence, the concerns raised by Clooney and other former Obama advisers cannot be ignored. The Democratic Party is facing a critical juncture in the 2023-2024 election cycle. With the midterms approaching and a potential primary challenge looming, Biden and his team will need to address these concerns and make necessary changes if they hope to maintain control of the White House.

In addition to the concerns raised by former Obama advisers, Biden has also faced criticism from within his own party. Democratic Congressman Tim Ryan of Ohio recently said that Biden's "approval ratings are upside down for a reason," and that the president needs to "do a better job of connecting with the American people."

Biden's approval ratings have been consistently low throughout his presidency, and recent polls show that a majority of Americans believe the country is on the wrong track. This has led to speculation that Biden may not be able to win re-election in 2024.

However, Biden and his supporters remain confident that he can turn things around. They argue that the president has a strong track record of success, and that he is the best candidate to lead the country. The midterms and the 2024 presidential election will ultimately determine whether Biden can overcome the challenges he faces and win a second term.