Fact-Checker Dismisses Gov. Walz's Claim of Carrying Weapons in Combat

Washington Post fact-checker Glenn Kessler has debunked Democratic vice presidential candidate Gov. Tim Walz's assertion that he carried weapons in combat during his military service.

Washington Post fact-checker Glenn Kessler has meticulously analyzed Gov. Tim Walz's military service record and has determined that the Democratic vice presidential candidate's claim to have carried weapons in combat is false. Despite Walz's assertions to the contrary, Kessler has found no evidence to support his claim.

In a comprehensive analysis, Kessler points out that Walz's 24-year career in the U.S. Army National Guard did not involve combat duty. While Walz did receive ribbons for proficiency in sharpshooting and hand grenades, these awards do not indicate combat experience.

Fact-Checker Dismisses Gov. Walz's Claim of Carrying Weapons in Combat

Fact-Checker Dismisses Gov. Walz's Claim of Carrying Weapons in Combat

Walz's claim has been widely scrutinized, with political opponents, social media critics, and even liberal media networks questioning its accuracy. GOP vice presidential nominee JD Vance has been particularly vocal, asserting that Walz "has not spent a day in a combat zone."

CNN correspondent Tom Foreman has also fact-checked Walz's statement, noting that there is no evidence to support his claim of being shot at in combat. Foreman has described Walz's language as "absolutely false."

Fact-Checker Dismisses Gov. Walz's Claim of Carrying Weapons in Combat

Fact-Checker Dismisses Gov. Walz's Claim of Carrying Weapons in Combat

When asked for comment, the Walz campaign acknowledged that the governor "misspoke" and that he had not served in combat. However, the campaign maintained that Walz believes only military members trained to carry deadly weapons should have access to them.

Kessler has concluded that Walz's statement was "sloppy and false." He has emphasized that while Walz did handle weapons of war, he did not do so in combat.

Fact-Checker Dismisses Gov. Walz's Claim of Carrying Weapons in Combat

Fact-Checker Dismisses Gov. Walz's Claim of Carrying Weapons in Combat

This fact-checking effort has cast doubt on Walz's credibility and has raised questions about his suitability for the role of vice president. The Biden-Harris campaign has been forced to address the issue, with Harris herself acknowledging that Walz's statement was inaccurate.

As the vice presidential race heats up, the focus on Walz's military record is likely to continue. Opponents will likely use this incident as an example of Walz's lack of candor and his willingness to distort his past for political gain.