Faith Leaders and Families Demand Release of Hostages Held by Hamas

In a joint effort, religious leaders and family members of hostages still held by Hamas terrorists joined forces to urge world leaders to prioritize the release of these individuals. Their stories shed light on the ongoing anguish and fear they endure while calling attention to the need for a solution that ensures the safe return of all hostages.

Faith Leaders and Families Demand Release of Hostages Held by Hamas

In an interfaith conference held in New York City, leaders from the Abrahamic faiths gathered alongside family members of hostages held by Hamas to appeal for their release. Their heartfelt pleas conveyed the desperate longing for the hostages' return while expressing concern over media neglect and growing anti-Semitic sentiments.

Rabbi Joel M. Levenson of the Midway Jewish Center emphasized the shared humanity that binds us all and the need for religious leaders to collaborate in promoting healing and reconciliation. "We've seen an unfortunate rise in antisemitism... we need to hear more of the moderate voices on all sides," he said.

Faith Leaders and Families Demand Release of Hostages Held by Hamas

Orna Neutra, mother of hostage Omer Neutra, expressed profound anxiety about her son's well-being and the lack of any contact since his abduction. She stressed the urgency of global cooperation to ensure the hostages' release.

Aviva Siegel, a returning hostage herself, recounted the harrowing conditions she endured in Hamas captivity, including being denied essential supplies like food and water. She described the harrowing atrocities committed on the day of the attack, including the burning alive of individuals and the forced witnessing of children watching their parents being murdered.

Faith Leaders and Families Demand Release of Hostages Held by Hamas

Her harrowing account underscored the heightened fears and desperation among families with loved ones still held captive. Muslim family members like Salem Alatrash and Sha'ban al-Sayed echoed the shared pain and suffering within their community. Alatrash emphasized that his brother's return would be a testament to the shared brotherhood and unity that should prevail.

Al-Sayed, born and raised in Israel, denounced the division sown by Hamas and the manipulation of innocent lives as leverage. "We can live with one another," he asserted. "We have done so before."

Faith Leaders and Families Demand Release of Hostages Held by Hamas

Faith leaders present at the conference urged college campus protesters to educate themselves on the conflict and the role of Hamas. Sheikh Musa Drammeh of Daylight Africa highlighted the importance of context and rational dialogue while condemning the actions of Hamas on October 7th.

Drammeh emphasized the need for the Muslim world to normalize relations with Israel and recognize its sovereign right to safety and security. "For us now not to give Israel what Israel deserves... is incumbent upon me and my wife and others to make sure that the relationship between Israel and the Muslim world will continue to improve," he pledged.

Faith Leaders and Families Demand Release of Hostages Held by Hamas

The conference culminated in a renewed call for action from world leaders, urging them to prioritize the release of the hostages and work towards a just and equitable solution to the underlying conflict. The families' unwavering determination and the support of faith leaders underscored the pressing need to ensure the safe return of all hostages and heal the wounds inflicted by violence.