Faith Strengthens PenaVegas Through Stillbirth Tragedy

Actors Alexa and Carlos PenaVega share their experience of losing their fourth child, a daughter named Indy, and how their faith helped them navigate the unimaginable.

Faith Strengthens PenaVegas Through Stillbirth Tragedy

Alexa and Carlos PenaVega, a Hollywood couple known for their roles in "Big Time Rush" and "Spy Kids," have spoken publicly about the heartbreaking loss of their daughter, Indy, who was stillborn in April 2023. In an exclusive interview with Fox News Digital, the couple reveals how their faith has been a beacon of hope and solace during this difficult time.

Faith Strengthens PenaVegas Through Stillbirth Tragedy

Alexa acknowledges that the magnitude of their loss has been incomprehensible. "It's beyond understanding," she says. "God didn't take our baby away. I think things happen in life ... just because you go through something bad, doesn't mean God let it happen."

Instead, the PenaVegas believe that God is with them in their grief, providing them with a supernatural peace and assurance that he will lead them through this season of darkness. "He's going to make a way for you to get through that," Alexa emphasizes. "He's going to provide shelter, he's going to help you with some shields."

Faith Strengthens PenaVegas Through Stillbirth Tragedy

Carlos, as the head of the household, initially felt obligated to suppress his emotions. However, the support of their family and a profound phone call from a friend who sang a worship song for him shifted his perspective. "I think I normally don't allow myself to go there," he admits. "But when you can just let go and just sit there and surrender ... that moment for me will always, always be there forever."

The PenaVegas emphasize the importance of embracing grief and vulnerability. "It's OK to grieve, it's OK to be emotional," Carlos says. "Sometimes it's hard to love people. Sometimes it's hard to love God. I guess it's like, why, why, why? But when can you just let go and just sit there and surrender..."

Faith Strengthens PenaVegas Through Stillbirth Tragedy

Despite their personal tragedy, the PenaVegas remain committed to their faith and to using their platform to spread messages of hope and encouragement. They believe that even in the darkest of times, God's light can shine through.

"I think as Christians, we have to really hold onto our faith because it does carry us through," Alexa says. "It helps us make sense of things that don't always make sense."

Faith Strengthens PenaVegas Through Stillbirth Tragedy

Carlos echoes her sentiments, saying, "We have to keep believing that there's something greater than us. We have to keep believing that there's someone who's holding us through all of this."

The PenaVegas's unwavering faith has not only helped them cope with their loss but has also deepened their bond as a couple. "I think it's brought us a lot closer," Alexa shares. "You realize what's important in life and who's really there for you."

Faith Strengthens PenaVegas Through Stillbirth Tragedy

"At the end of the day, the most important thing is our family," Carlos emphasizes. "We've been able to weather this storm together, and we're going to continue to keep fighting together."

Faith Strengthens PenaVegas Through Stillbirth Tragedy