Far-Left Progressivism Undermining American History: Founding Fathers' Legacy Under Attack

Shelby Steele, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, discusses the far-left's pursuit to erase or discredit significant historical figures and events, including Christopher Columbus and the Founding Fathers.

In the tapestry of American history, Columbus Day was once a celebrated occasion, evoking tales of adventure and the dawn of a new era. However, under the increasing influence of far-left ideologies on college campuses, the holiday has become a subject of controversy and revisionist history.

In 1992, the University of California, Berkeley, spearheaded the "Indigenous Peoples' Day" movement, replacing Columbus Day with a commemoration of native American history. This initiative quickly spread across universities nationwide, as left-leaning faculty and students condemned Christopher Columbus as a symbol of oppression and colonial violence.

Far-Left Progressivism Undermining American History: Founding Fathers' Legacy Under Attack

Far-Left Progressivism Undermining American History: Founding Fathers' Legacy Under Attack

While recognizing the importance of honoring indigenous peoples, Shelby Steele, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, cautions against sacrificing historical accuracy in pursuit of this goal. He emphasizes that Columbus sought to establish amicable relations with the native population and often intervened to prevent mistreatment by his crew.

The far left's campaign against historical figures extends beyond Columbus Day. The 4th of July, the American flag, and the Founding Fathers have all fallen under their critical scrutiny. They employ deceitful tactics, such as selectively omitting facts from history, to discredit these symbols of American identity.

Far-Left Progressivism Undermining American History: Founding Fathers' Legacy Under Attack

Far-Left Progressivism Undermining American History: Founding Fathers' Legacy Under Attack

Reagan's prophetic words ring true: "Freedom is a fragile thing and it's never more than one generation away from extinction." Steele maintains that America's current generation faces a threat to its fundamental values and freedoms.

To counter this threat, Steele urges Americans to reclaim their voices and exercise their consent, which has been repeatedly ignored by the forces of the left. He encourages the public to defend the 4th of July, the Founding Fathers, and the American flag as essential components of the nation's identity and heritage.

Far-Left Progressivism Undermining American History: Founding Fathers' Legacy Under Attack

Far-Left Progressivism Undermining American History: Founding Fathers' Legacy Under Attack

By speaking out in support of these symbols and celebrating their true meaning, Americans can reverse the trend of historical erasure and reassert the vision of their Founding Fathers. Failure to do so could lead to the inevitable erosion of the freedoms and values that have long defined the United States.

The time has come for Americans to confront the insidious attempts to rewrite history and undermine their national legacy. By standing firm in defense of their values and the heroes of their past, they can safeguard the future of their nation and ensure that its spirit of liberty and equality endures for generations to come.

Far-Left Progressivism Undermining American History: Founding Fathers' Legacy Under Attack

Far-Left Progressivism Undermining American History: Founding Fathers' Legacy Under Attack

Far-Left Progressivism Undermining American History: Founding Fathers' Legacy Under AttackFar-Left Progressivism Undermining American History: Founding Fathers' Legacy Under AttackFar-Left Progressivism Undermining American History: Founding Fathers' Legacy Under AttackFar-Left Progressivism Undermining American History: Founding Fathers' Legacy Under Attack