Fareed Zakaria: Biden Should Embrace Trump's Border Policies to Secure Boundaries Effectively

Fareed Zakaria, the renowned CNN host, has sparked a heated debate by suggesting that President Biden should incorporate certain aspects of former President Trump's border policies to enhance border security. Zakaria argues that Trump's policies were more effective in deterring illegal immigration and curbing the exploitation of the asylum system.

Fareed Zakaria: Biden Should Embrace Trump's Border Policies to Secure Boundaries Effectively

In a recent interview on PBS' "Firing Line," Fareed Zakaria candidly expressed his views on the current state of border security and the need for a pragmatic approach. Zakaria pointed to the inadequacy of the modern asylum system, which he believes is being manipulated by cartels to facilitate illegal immigration.

Fareed Zakaria: Biden Should Embrace Trump's Border Policies to Secure Boundaries Effectively

Zakaria asserted that the Trump administration's efforts, though often challenged in court, demonstrated a clear commitment to securing the border. Despite legal setbacks, Zakaria contends that Trump's symbolic actions inspired a sense of determination among Americans.

"The whole system is broken," Zakaria stated, referring to the asylum process. "And Biden needs to confront that and say, you know, 'We are going to have to reform the whole system.'"

Fareed Zakaria: Biden Should Embrace Trump's Border Policies to Secure Boundaries Effectively

Zakaria proposed implementing more stringent measures, similar to those implemented by the Trump administration. He advocated for eliminating the asylum process at the border and requiring individuals to apply from their home countries. This approach, he believed, would discourage illegal crossings and limit the exploitation of the system.

Highlighting the contrast between past and present immigration patterns, Zakaria noted that illegal immigrants previously had to evade law enforcement to cross the border. However, the current trend involves individuals seeking to be apprehended by authorities to gain access to the asylum process.

Fareed Zakaria: Biden Should Embrace Trump's Border Policies to Secure Boundaries Effectively

"They're not running away from law enforcement, they're running towards law enforcement," Zakaria explained. "Because they have figured out that all they have to say is the magic words, 'I have a credible fear of persecution,' and bingo, you're in the country legally."

Zakaria emphasized that the Biden administration must prioritize border security and tackle the systemic issues that allow for exploitation. He suggested declaring a national security emergency and deploying the National Guard to deter illegal crossings and streamline the asylum process.

"I still think that what Biden should do is declare an emergency national security crisis, send the national guard, shut down the amnesty process and say, 'We're gonna redo it,'" Zakaria proposed.

While acknowledging the potential legal challenges to such measures, Zakaria argued that they would demonstrate a commitment to border security. He cited President Bill Clinton's observation that a president's success lies not solely in achieving goals but in being seen as actively addressing challenges.

"Biden needs to do something symbolic at the border," Zakaria concluded. "People remembered that [Trump] was trying."

Zakaria's comments have sparked a heated debate, with some agreeing with his assessment of the current border situation and others criticizing his endorsement of Trump-era policies. The complex issue of border security continues to demand a balanced and pragmatic approach, considering both the humanitarian and national security aspects.