Farmingdale Residents Divided on Armed Guards in Schools

Residents of Farmingdale, New York, express both support and opposition to the school district's decision to hire armed guards to protect students from active shooters.

Farmingdale Residents Divided on Armed Guards in Schools

Farmingdale, New York – Nearly two dozen school districts in the suburbs of New York City have approved armed guards to protect their children, preferring a show of force rather than further curtailing Second Amendment rights in the Empire State. One such district is the Farmingdale School District in eastern Nassau County, which serves more than 5,100 students.

Although a coalition of parents, students, and district employees pushed for the measure, which the board of education approved in February, many local residents told Fox News Digital they didn't know about the move this week. However, many supported the idea.

Farmingdale Residents Divided on Armed Guards in Schools

"I have grandkids -- I don't want them hurt," Deborah, an area woman, told Fox News Digital. "So, with violence the way it is now, a couple of dollars, it's not gonna kill us. It's going to save a life."

Bob Clemente, another resident, said it was "about time."

Farmingdale Residents Divided on Armed Guards in Schools

"I do think it's money well spent," he said. "Especially when you have so many children dying."

At a school board meeting ahead of the decision to hire guards, opponents argued that the district had not seen an active shooter incident and that armed security might be overkill. But just across the Long Island Sound, in Newtown, Connecticut, an active shooter killed 26 people in 2012, including 20 kids between six and seven years old.

Farmingdale Residents Divided on Armed Guards in Schools

"When you talk about your children's life, if there's a threat for violence in the school, then it's worth every penny to pay to protect our kids," Deborah added.

Experts say the best response to an active shooter is a forceful one. Police departments are trained to immediately engage an active threat. But proponents of armed guards say it's even faster if someone is stationed on campus to confront an attacker.

Farmingdale Residents Divided on Armed Guards in Schools

"It is a sobering thought, but it is the reality for any parent who sends their child off to school," said Nicole Parker, a former FBI agent who investigated the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida. "If a shooter does make it onto a school campus, every second counts."

Undefended schools are attractive targets for violent psychopaths who want to prey on defenseless children, Parker added.

Farmingdale Residents Divided on Armed Guards in Schools

"Obviously, a school is one of the most vulnerable locations because you have large amounts of minors being overseen by a small number of administrators and teachers who typically have no way to defend themselves or their students from the adversary," she told Fox News Digital. "Having an armed security guard or law enforcement officer at the entry point of the school is crucial in protecting the innocent."

But the guard's value is directly related to their training and willingness to act, she explained.

Farmingdale Residents Divided on Armed Guards in Schools

"An armed guard or cop is useless if they are unwilling to do their job, as we have seen too often such as at Uvalde or Parkland," she said.

In Parkland, an armed teen barged in and killed 17 people, 14 of them students, as the school's then-resource officer, Scot Peterson, ducked for cover outside the building on Valentine's Day in 2018. A jury found him not guilty of child neglect last year after prosecutors brought charges over his inability to stop the mass shooting.

And in Uvalde's Robb Elementary School on May 24, 2022, children locked in a classroom with the gunman called 911 multiple times begging for help. Police stood in the hallway for 77 minutes before a U.S. Border Patrol tactical team breached the door and shot the gunman. By that time, the shooter had massacred 19 children and two adults.

"Many politicians use school shootings and mass shootings as an opportunity to hone in on gun control," Parker said. "I believe in responsible legal gun ownership. I have yet to come across any violent shooter who had any regard for gun laws. Anyone willing to shoot and kill an innocent person has no respect for human life, let alone a gun law."

While some residents support the move, others remain skeptical.

"I'm not sure I agree with it," said Caitlin, a Farmingdale resident. "I feel like it's a waste of money. I think there are better ways to protect our kids."

"I don't think it will make our schools any safer," added another resident, who asked not to be identified. "It might even make them more dangerous."

As far as how that affects the taxpayers, I believe that it's something everyone should want: protecting our local kids in our schools.

The school district has said that the armed guards will be stationed outside the schools and will only enter a building in response to an active shooter. The guards will be armed with handguns and will undergo training in active shooter response.

The decision to hire armed guards has sparked debate in the Farmingdale community. Some residents support the move, saying that it is necessary to protect students from school shootings. Others oppose the decision, saying that it is an unnecessary escalation of force.

The school district is scheduled to hold a public forum on the issue on June 1st.