Fauci's Admission on COVID Lab Leak Reignites Calls for Investigation into Vaccine Deaths and Lockdowns

Following Dr. Anthony Fauci's acknowledgment that COVID-19 could have originated from the Wuhan lab, a group of Dutch medical researchers has ignited a debate by demanding an investigation into the deaths caused by vaccine mandates and lockdowns during the pandemic, challenging the narrative of the global public health establishment.

## Article:

Fauci's Admission on COVID Lab Leak Reignites Calls for Investigation into Vaccine Deaths and Lockdowns

Fauci's Admission on COVID Lab Leak Reignites Calls for Investigation into Vaccine Deaths and Lockdowns

### Fauci's Slippery Confession

Amidst congressional inquiries, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the chief medical advisor to the US president, conceded that the social distancing guidelines, including the infamous "six feet apart" rule, during the COVID-19 pandemic were not based on scientific evidence but rather pulled "out of thin air." This admission has raised eyebrows and reignited concerns about the efficacy of the public health measures implemented during the crisis.

### Dutch Researchers Challenge Orthodoxy

The revelation by Dr. Fauci has given impetus to a group of Dutch medical researchers who have called for a thorough investigation into the deaths resulting from vaccine mandates and lockdowns. They contend that every death during the pandemic, including those caused by policy mistakes, must be acknowledged and accounted for. Their study, based on data from 47 western countries, suggests that the death rates remained elevated even after the implementation of lockdowns and vaccine rollouts, raising questions about the effectiveness of these measures.

### Collateral Damage of Heavy-Handed Edicts

The researchers' analysis highlights a disturbing trend: deaths from alcoholism and drug overdoses surged during the pandemic, particularly in the US. Rob Arnott and Chicago economics professor Casey Mulligan have found that "excess deaths" during this period surpassed 100,000 annually, attributed to government policies that drove people to addiction, overeating, and other acts of despair. Tragically, these deaths of despair disproportionately affected younger and middle-aged adults, resulting in an alarming loss of potential life years.

### Children's Well-being Ignored

Despite mounting evidence that the virus posed a minimal risk to children, with a fatality rate of 0.0003%, government health officials prioritized lockdowns and school closures. Doctors like Scott Atlas, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, advocated for targeted measures focusing on protecting the high-risk elderly, but their voices were silenced by the prevailing CDC orthodoxy. As a result, children suffered significant learning losses and impaired social development.

### Unfounded Vaccine Assertions

The Dutch researchers' suggestion that the vaccines may have contributed to some pandemic-era deaths has set off a firestorm. While the vaccine is generally considered beneficial for most adults, particularly the elderly, there are exceptions. Research indicates that men may face an elevated risk of cardiac-related deaths after vaccination. However, the researchers did not establish a causal connection between vaccines and higher mortality rates, and their inquiry has been met with vehement backlash from the public health establishment.

### Public Health Establishment's Resistance

The global public health establishment, including many journal editors and government advisors, seems determined to avoid scrutiny and evade accountability for potential mistakes. In August 2023, the Journal of the American Medical Association published an attack on 52 physicians who dared to challenge the CDC's directives, now discredited in several instances. This effort to suppress dissenting voices is a testament to the power and influence of the public health apparatus.

### Truth and Accountability

The Dutch researchers deserve praise for challenging the established narrative and raising important questions about the pandemic response. Their call for further investigation is not a condemnation but a necessary step towards understanding what truly caused the unprecedented loss of life during the COVID-19 pandemic. Only by confronting the truth, no matter how uncomfortable, can we ensure better public health outcomes in the future. As new threats, such as bird flu, emerge, a clear-eyed assessment of past failures and successes is crucial.