Fear Grips Intelligence Community as Second Trump Term Looms, with Agents Eyeing Fleeing Country

Former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe reveals the chilling climate of fear and uncertainty within the intelligence community over the prospect of a second Donald Trump presidency.

Fear Grips Intelligence Community as Second Trump Term Looms, with Agents Eyeing Fleeing Country

**Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe has sounded the alarm over the growing sense of fear within the intelligence community about the possibility of a second Donald Trump term.** He claims that some officials are even considering fleeing the country to avoid potential imprisonment.

McCabe, who currently serves as a CNN senior law enforcement analyst, shared his concerns on the show "The Source," hosted by Kaitlan Collins. He described an atmosphere of uncertainty and apprehension among intelligence officials, who believe Trump could seek retribution against his perceived political enemies.

Fear Grips Intelligence Community as Second Trump Term Looms, with Agents Eyeing Fleeing Country

"It's terrifying. It's frightening," McCabe declared, describing the reactions of some officials to the potential of Trump's return to power. He recalled Trump's vow to his supporters that he "will be your retribution," a statement that has raised alarm bells among intelligence agencies.

According to McCabe, Trump's vengeance could manifest in "really dismantling and greatly incapacitating the Department of Justice and the FBI." This fear has struck a chord with many FBI agents, who fear facing political retaliation for their actions.

Fear Grips Intelligence Community as Second Trump Term Looms, with Agents Eyeing Fleeing Country

McCabe revealed that he had spoken to former colleagues, including some who served during the Obama administration, who had expressed grave concerns. They had "torturous discussions with their family members about whether or not they have to leave the country to avoid being unconstitutionally and illegally detained."

"I mean, people are actually worried about being thrown in jail or grabbed in some sort of extrajudicial detention," McCabe explained, acknowledging that while it may sound far-fetched, it cannot be discounted as a possibility.

Fear Grips Intelligence Community as Second Trump Term Looms, with Agents Eyeing Fleeing Country

McCabe, who served under former FBI director James Comey during the investigation into alleged Trump-Russia collusion, was briefly appointed as acting director after Trump fired Comey in 2017. However, he was later dismissed by Attorney General Jeff Sessions in 2018, a move that McCabe claims was politically motivated.

Former FBI special agent and Fox News contributor Nicole Parker questioned McCabe's claims, suggesting that they may only reflect the views of a select group of FBI agents who have "abused their law enforcement authority" for political or social agendas.

She argued that the majority of FBI agents are "hardworking, typically rank-and-file employees" who have remained true to their oath of protecting Americans and enforcing the law fairly.

Parker expressed skepticism about the fear of retribution, stating that many FBI agents would welcome a new administration that would restore the FBI and DOJ to their former glory. She believes that dismantling these agencies could be beneficial in the long run.

However, McCabe's concerns cannot be dismissed lightly. The history of political retribution is well-documented, and the authoritarian tendencies displayed by Trump during his presidency have raised legitimate fears among those who have opposed his policies.

The FBI has yet to respond to McCabe's allegations, but the intelligence community's apprehension over a possible second Trump term is a clear indication of the deep divisions and political polarization that continue to plague the United States.