Finding Forever: 11-Year-Old Luke's Journey from Foster Care to a Loving Home

After enduring 25 foster homes in just four years, 11-year-old Luke Kissinger has finally found his forever family with Cassie and Bradley Kissinger. Join them on their emotional journey of becoming a family and gaining invaluable advice for those considering adoption.

Finding Forever: 11-Year-Old Luke's Journey from Foster Care to a Loving Home

In a heartwarming story that sheds light on the transformative power of adoption, 11-year-old Luke Kissinger has embarked on a new chapter in his life after being adopted by Cassie and Bradley Kissinger. Having endured the upheaval of being placed in 25 different foster homes over four years, Luke has finally found his forever home.

"I know that this is going to be forever… I never thought that forever was a thing anymore," Luke said, his voice filled with a newfound sense of belonging.

Finding Forever: 11-Year-Old Luke's Journey from Foster Care to a Loving Home

Luke's journey to finding his forever family began when Cassie Kissinger, inspired by her own childhood experiences in foster care, discovered Luke's story through Project Zero, an Arkansas organization that advocates for waiting children. Project Zero's mission is to connect foster children with loving and stable families, helping them break the cycle of foster care and find permanent homes.

"I immediately knew that he was ours," Cassie said, recalling the moment she saw Luke's video.

With Bradley by her side, Cassie initiated the process of adopting Luke, a process that took several months and involved background checks, home studies, and countless hours of preparation.

"We had no doubt since day one" that Luke would fit into our family, Bradley said. The couple, who also has a 14-year-old girl and another 11-year-old boy, welcomed Luke with open arms.

Luke, still adjusting to his new life, expressed his awe and gratitude for having a forever home. "I was shocked," he said, referring to the moment he realized he was finally being adopted.

"They're one of the best brothers and sisters I've ever had," Luke said, his face beaming with happiness.

Cassie and Bradley's journey serves as a testament to the transformative power of adoption and the profound impact it can have on both children and families. Their advice to those considering fostering or adopting a child is simple: "Just go for it."

"It's not an easy road to be a foster parent, but it's even harder for the children," Cassie emphasized. "They need a stable and loving home as they walk through life."

According to the U.S. Administration for Children & Families, approximately 368,500 children were in foster care in 2022, while 53,700 children were adopted. The number of children in foster care has been declining in recent years, but there is still a significant need for foster and adoptive families.

Cassie encourages those interested in fostering or adopting to reach out to local organizations like The C.A.L.L. in Arkansas, which specializes in recruiting foster and adoptive families.

"Everyone should have a family by their side when they go through life, get married and have their own families," Cassie said. "No one should do it alone."