Fired U.S. Space Force Officer Demands Removal of "Marxist" DEI Ideology from Military

Former Lieutenant Colonel Matt Lohmeier, who lost his retirement benefits after criticizing the military's DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) programs, calls for the elimination of these programs and the implementation of merit-based selections and American values in the military.

Former Lieutenant Colonel Matt Lohmeier, a decorated U.S. Space Force officer, has come forward with a chilling account of how his outspoken criticism of the military's "Marxist" DEI ideology cost him his retirement and ultimately his livelihood.

Lohmeier served over a decade in the military, specializing in missile warning systems, before joining the Space Force in 2020. However, his career was abruptly cut short in May 2021 after he publicly expressed concerns about the divisive and morale-damaging effects of DEI training.

Fired U.S. Space Force Officer Demands Removal of

Fired U.S. Space Force Officer Demands Removal of "Marxist" DEI Ideology from Military

In an interview with Fox News Digital, Lohmeier described his outrage over the "DEI industry," which he believes is "steeped in critical race theory and rooted in anti-American, Marxist ideology." He saw firsthand how these programs were dividing troops and undermining military readiness.

"The blow was severe," Lohmeier said about being fired for his dissenting views. "It makes you feel like you've been betrayed." He lost not only his career but also his pension, a devastating blow to his financial security.

Fired U.S. Space Force Officer Demands Removal of

Fired U.S. Space Force Officer Demands Removal of "Marxist" DEI Ideology from Military

Lohmeier's experience highlights a growing concern within the military about the insidious spread of critical race theory and Marxist ideology. A new study commissioned by the Arizona State University Center for American Institutions revealed that the Pentagon's DEI programs encourage the reporting of private conversations on dissenting views and have been steadily increasing their resources.

The report estimates that DEI programs in the military cost taxpayers $68 million in 2022, $86.5 million in 2023, and a proposed $114.7 million for 2024. These funds, according to Lohmeier, should be redirected towards essential military needs.

Fired U.S. Space Force Officer Demands Removal of

Fired U.S. Space Force Officer Demands Removal of "Marxist" DEI Ideology from Military

Lohmeier is now calling for a radical overhaul of the military's personnel policies. He advocates for the elimination of DEI training and the implementation of merit-based selections and an American values curriculum at military academies.

"We need to strip all vestiges of critical race theory out of the military workplace," Lohmeier said.

Lohmeier's revelations have sparked outrage among military veterans and conservative pundits, who see his case as a blatant example of political correctness run amok. They argue that the military should be focused on defending the nation, not promoting divisive ideologies.

The Space Force has not yet responded to Lohmeier's allegations, but it is facing growing pressure to address the concerns raised by him and others about the corrosive effects of CRT and Marxist ideology within the military. Lohmeier's story serves as a warning about the dangers of allowing political agendas to interfere with the mission of the armed forces.