Five Years Old Memories: Relive your childhood with charming interactive narrative

Five Years Old Memories, a heartwarming interactive narrative from Komitsu, invites you on a nostalgic journey back to the carefree days of childhood. Based on real interviews, the game offers a sensory experience that captures the essence of being five years old through hand-drawn aesthetics and engaging gameplay.

Immerse yourself in a world of childhood wonder with Five Years Old Memories, a captivating interactive narrative that transports you back to the innocent days of your youth. Crafted by artist Komitsu, this heartwarming experience is a sensory masterpiece that brings to life the memories of real people, offering a glimpse into the joys and adventures of being a five-year-old.

Inspired by personal interviews with family and friends, Komitsu has meticulously recreated scenes that evoke the vivid emotions and experiences of childhood. From playing in the rain to building pillow forts, each hand-drawn moment is a testament to the power of nostalgia. The intuitive drag-and-drop gameplay invites you to interact with the environment, allowing you to relive these cherished memories as if they were your own.

Five Years Old Memories: Relive your childhood with charming interactive narrative

Five Years Old Memories: Relive your childhood with charming interactive narrative

The runtime of Five Years Old Memories is a concise 15-20 minutes, ensuring a focused and immersive experience. Despite its brevity, the game leaves a lasting impact, stirring up fond memories and evoking a longing for simpler times.

Komitsu's artistry shines through in every frame of Five Years Old Memories. The hand-drawn aesthetics capture the whimsical and imaginative nature of childhood, while the ambient soundscape creates a soothing and nostalgic atmosphere. The result is a truly immersive experience that transports you to another time and place.

Behind the scenes, a talented team has brought Komitsu's vision to life. Shoto Hayakawa's engineering expertise ensures seamless gameplay, while Natsumi Nogawa's music composes a delicate score that perfectly complements the game's heartwarming narrative.

As part of the Artists-in-Residence Online program organized by the NTT InterCommunication Center, Five Years Old Memories is a shining example of the power of collaboration and creative expression. Komitsu's personal touch and meticulous attention to detail make this game a truly special experience.

For those seeking a poignant and introspective journey, Five Years Old Memories is an essential addition to your gaming library. Its universal themes of childhood and nostalgia will resonate with players of all ages, offering a chance to reconnect with the carefree spirit of their youth.

To delve deeper into the world of Five Years Old Memories, visit the official website, follow the game's official Twitter page for updates, or simply download the game on your iPad for a heartwarming and unforgettable experience. Embark on this nostalgic journey today and relive the golden days of childhood, one cherished memory at a time.