Florida CFO Slams California Budget: 'Greatest Disrespect of Taxpayers in American History'

Florida Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis says his state is 'taking advantage' of California's 'poor governance' and failed economic policies under Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom.

Florida CFO Slams California Budget: 'Greatest Disrespect of Taxpayers in American History'

Florida's chief financial officer, Jimmy Patronis, has unleashed a torrent of criticism against the economic outlook of California under the leadership of Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom, describing it as "the greatest disrespect of taxpayer's resources in the history of America."

Patronis's scorching assessment comes in the wake of Newsom's proposed budget, which includes slashing funds for public safety, such as prisons and law enforcement, while simultaneously doubling down on climate goals related to equity. The budget, according to Patronis, reflects a panic-stricken state grappling with a crippling deficit.

Florida CFO Slams California Budget: 'Greatest Disrespect of Taxpayers in American History'

California's deficit, estimated at $27.6 billion, has been exacerbated by an exodus of residents fleeing the state due to high crime rates and exorbitant housing prices, according to Patronis. A Chapman University study published in April found that green energy policies have also contributed to the decline of blue-collar businesses.

"They're in a panic. They're in a free fall. They're looking for money to make up this enormous budget deficit they've got right now," Patronis said.

Florida CFO Slams California Budget: 'Greatest Disrespect of Taxpayers in American History'

While California faces economic woes, Florida has experienced budget surpluses. Patronis attributes this to the state's proactive approach to public safety and its ability to attract businesses by providing a secure environment.

Newsom's proposal to cut public safety funding, Patronis argues, will only exacerbate the "vicious cycle" of crime in California. San Francisco, a city plagued by rampant theft, burglaries, and motor vehicle thefts, serves as a prime example of businesses fleeing due to safety concerns.

Florida CFO Slams California Budget: 'Greatest Disrespect of Taxpayers in American History'

Patronis pointed to the elimination of 4,600 prison beds, slashes to law enforcement training, and cuts to county probation departments as evidence of Newsom's misguided priorities. The California State Legislature, however, is pushing back against some of the proposed public safety reductions.

Patronis also expressed skepticism about Newsom's political ambitions, accusing him of "lying straight through his teeth."

"I would hate to ever see somebody with that type of a deliberate mindset to be in charge of our country's economy," Patronis said.

The Florida CFO's blistering critique of California's economic outlook highlights the stark contrast between the two states' fiscal stewardship. While Florida has embraced a pro-business, low-tax environment, California under Newsom has pursued a more progressive agenda that has failed to deliver economic prosperity for its citizens.