Foreign Policy: A Potential X-Factor in the 2024 Race

As Vice President Kamala Harris prepares to take on former President Donald Trump in the 2024 election, Republicans are hoping to make foreign policy a major campaign issue. While foreign policy typically ranks low among voter concerns, its impact on previous presidential races suggests that it could play a significant role in the upcoming election.

The economy, the border, and abortion are typically the issues that dominate voter concerns in presidential elections. Foreign policy, on the other hand, often receives less attention. However, its significance can fluctuate, and in tight races, it can become a determining factor.

Vietnam, the Iranian hostage crisis, and the 9/11 attacks are just a few examples of how foreign policy can impact the outcome of an election. President Reagan's strong stance against the Soviets, for instance, contributed to his victory in 1984.

Foreign Policy: A Potential X-Factor in the 2024 Race

Foreign Policy: A Potential X-Factor in the 2024 Race

In the 2024 race, House Republicans are aiming to highlight foreign policy as a weak point for Vice President Harris. They intend to focus on controversies such as the Israeli-Hamas war, the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the execution of Israeli hostages.

The execution of American service members in the Abbey Gate attack in Kabul has drawn criticism from Gold Star mother Kelly Barnett, who accused the Biden administration of disrespect and lack of sympathy.

Foreign Policy: A Potential X-Factor in the 2024 Race

Foreign Policy: A Potential X-Factor in the 2024 Race

Republicans see this incident as a potential liability for Harris, who played a key role in the decision-making process for the Afghanistan withdrawal. However, Democrats like Rep. Ro Khanna argue that Harris deserves credit for ending the protracted conflict, even if the withdrawal was mishandled.

In addition to Afghanistan, Republicans point to the Israeli-Hamas war as a foreign policy misstep by the Biden administration. They contend that the administration has not been sufficiently supportive of Israel.

Foreign Policy: A Potential X-Factor in the 2024 Race

Foreign Policy: A Potential X-Factor in the 2024 Race

However, the administration maintains that Hamas is responsible for the deaths in the conflict. White House national security spokesman John Kirby has placed the blame squarely on the group.

As Congress reconvenes, House Republicans plan to craft a narrative around the Biden administration's foreign policy failures and link them to Harris. A series of measures related to China, Israel, and the Afghanistan withdrawal are expected to be voted on in the coming days.

Foreign Policy: A Potential X-Factor in the 2024 Race

Foreign Policy: A Potential X-Factor in the 2024 Race

A key moment will be the release of an exhaustive report by the House Foreign Affairs Committee on the Afghanistan withdrawal and the subpoena issued to Secretary of State Antony Blinken to testify about it on September 19.

The State Department, however, states that Blinken is unavailable on that date. Regardless, the hearings and report are likely to provide ample material for Republicans to criticize the administration's foreign policy handling.

Foreign Policy: A Potential X-Factor in the 2024 Race

Foreign Policy: A Potential X-Factor in the 2024 Race

It remains to be seen whether foreign policy will ultimately resonate with voters in 2024. Historically, it has played a decisive role in some elections, particularly in close races. However, it is unclear if it will have a similar impact in the upcoming contest between Harris and Trump.