Former Border Patrol Chief: Harris Ignored Migrant Flow Issues

Former Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott alleges that Vice President Kamala Harris dismissed concerns about the growing number of migrants crossing the border, despite being tasked with overseeing the issue.

Former Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott has accused Vice President Kamala Harris of neglecting to address the surge in illegal immigration, despite being specifically assigned responsibility for the matter by President Joe Biden.

In an interview with Fox News' "Fox News Live," Scott expressed dismay at Harris' apparent lack of engagement on the issue, stating that it was "common knowledge" within the Border Patrol that she had been given the task of overseeing the situation at the southern border.

Former Border Patrol Chief: Harris Ignored Migrant Flow Issues

Former Border Patrol Chief: Harris Ignored Migrant Flow Issues

"Vice President Harris was assigned the responsibility of dealing with the border by President Biden, and yet, she never held a meeting with me or any of the other Border Patrol chiefs, and I'm not aware of her ever having a meaningful conversation with anybody in the Border Patrol about what's happening on the border," Scott said.

According to Scott, Harris' inaction has exacerbated the already challenging situation at the border, where over two million migrants have been apprehended in fiscal year 2023 alone.

Former Border Patrol Chief: Harris Ignored Migrant Flow Issues

Former Border Patrol Chief: Harris Ignored Migrant Flow Issues

"The vice president could have played a very important role in helping us address this crisis, but she chose not to," Scott lamented. "And as a result, the situation has only gotten worse."

Scott's allegations align with the experiences of other Border Patrol officials who have expressed frustration with the lack of support from the Biden administration. Former Border Patrol Chief Mark Morgan has also accused Harris of ignoring the issue, while current Border Patrol agents have reported feeling overwhelmed and understaffed.

Former Border Patrol Chief: Harris Ignored Migrant Flow Issues

Former Border Patrol Chief: Harris Ignored Migrant Flow Issues

The surge in illegal immigration has become a major political issue, with both Democrats and Republicans blaming each other for the crisis. The Biden administration has been criticized for its lack of action on the matter, while Republicans have accused Democrats of encouraging illegal immigration through their policies.

The situation at the border has also had a significant impact on border communities, which have struggled to cope with the influx of migrants. Many communities have reported strained resources, increased crime, and a heightened sense of insecurity.

Former Border Patrol Chief: Harris Ignored Migrant Flow Issues

Former Border Patrol Chief: Harris Ignored Migrant Flow Issues

In response to the crisis, the Biden administration has taken some steps to address the issue, such as increasing border patrols, launching a new initiative to combat human smuggling, and providing humanitarian assistance to migrants. However, critics argue that these measures have not been sufficient to stem the flow of migrants.

As the situation at the border continues to deteriorate, it remains to be seen what action the Biden administration will take to resolve the crisis. The consequences of inaction could be severe, both for the United States and the migrants themselves.