Former Colombian President Urges Renewed Sanctions on Russia for Ukraine Invasion

Former Colombian President Ivan Duque emphasizes the crucial need for staunch punishments against Russia for its unjust invasion of Ukraine to serve as a deterrent and curb its deleterious influence in South America.

Former Colombian President Ivan Duque, in an exclusive interview with Fox News Digital, stressed the imperative of imposing stringent sanctions on Russia in response to its invasion of Ukraine. He asserted that these measures are essential to deter similar hostile actions by other nations and to reduce Russia's nefarious influence in South America.

Duque emphasized that punishing Russia severely would serve as a poignant reminder of the catastrophic consequences of aggression, thereby deterring other countries from embarking on similar paths of invasion. He highlighted the need to cut off Russia's revenue streams, particularly from its oil and gas exports, as a means of weakening the country's ability to wage war.

Former Colombian President Urges Renewed Sanctions on Russia for Ukraine Invasion

Former Colombian President Urges Renewed Sanctions on Russia for Ukraine Invasion

The United Arab Emirates has taken a proactive stance in countering Russia's efforts to bypass Western sanctions through a "shadow fleet." By denying access to its ports for vessels from Eswatini, the UAE has effectively thwarted Moscow's attempts to circumvent economic restrictions.

According to Rebekah Koffler, a former DIA intelligence officer and author, concealing the origin of oil shipments via a shadow fleet has been a key strategy in Russia's efforts to sanction-proof its economy. Moscow anticipated the imposition of U.S. sanctions before the Ukraine invasion and has been implementing measures to mitigate their impact since 2014, when Russia annexed Crimea.

Former Colombian President Urges Renewed Sanctions on Russia for Ukraine Invasion

Former Colombian President Urges Renewed Sanctions on Russia for Ukraine Invasion

The vessels comprising this shadowy fleet are typically aging and lack proper safety standards and insurance, posing significant threats to maritime security. A list of such ships published by the UAE Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure identifies Eswatini as a country whose vessels are prohibited from receiving services from any UAE ship agents or maritime companies due to their non-compliance with established guidelines.

Eswatini, a landlocked country in Southern Africa, has collaborated with Russia to transport oil in an attempt to evade sanctions. Bloomberg's analysis of ship-tracking data reveals that 26 Eswatini-flagged vessels are currently active, with 16 showing "unclear" ownership. Several tankers have been identified transporting oil from Russia and Iran.

Former Colombian President Urges Renewed Sanctions on Russia for Ukraine Invasion

Former Colombian President Urges Renewed Sanctions on Russia for Ukraine Invasion

The United States has sanctioned three Eswatini ships for supporting the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad and for facilitating grain exports from Russian-occupied regions of Ukraine during the grain corridor brokered earlier.

Despite delisting two ships for violating compliance guidelines, Eswatini officials indicate that two of the vessels continue to fly the Eswatini flag illegally and invalidly.

Former Colombian President Urges Renewed Sanctions on Russia for Ukraine Invasion

Former Colombian President Urges Renewed Sanctions on Russia for Ukraine Invasion

The Atlantic Council think tank estimates that the Russian "dark fleet" comprises approximately 1,400 ships operating in a "gray zone" that complicates efforts to impose penalties. These vessels are typically aging and poorly maintained, leading to incidents that legitimate vessels are burdened with covering due to the shadow fleet's lack of insurance.

Coastal nations are obligated under search-and-rescue conventions to assist distressed vessels, even illegal ones, placing a substantial burden on their resources. The harm caused by shadow vessels is difficult to redress because their activities do not involve military aggression.

Duque urged the international community to intensify its efforts to cripple Russia's war machine through sanctions and other measures. He emphasized the need to demonstrate that aggressive behavior will not be tolerated and that the consequences of such actions will be severe.