Former Mayor Lightfoot Exposes Tiffany Henyard's Reckless Spending

Lori Lightfoot, the former mayor of Chicago, has unveiled alarming findings in an investigation into the spending habits of Dolton Mayor Tiffany Henyard. The report alleges egregious misuse of taxpayer funds, raising serious concerns about financial mismanagement in the Illinois town.

Former Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has sent shockwaves through Dolton, Illinois, by presenting a preliminary report on Mayor Tiffany Henyard's spending habits. The report alleges a pattern of financial misconduct and reckless misuse of taxpayer funds.

Former Mayor Lightfoot Exposes Tiffany Henyard's Reckless Spending

Former Mayor Lightfoot Exposes Tiffany Henyard's Reckless Spending

According to Lightfoot's investigation, Dolton's general fund balance plummeted from $5.61 million in April 2022 to a deficit of $3.65 million by May 2024. Lightfoot stated, "As of May 30 of this year, the village's general fund was in a net deficit position."

Lightfoot disclosed that Henyard used the village credit card for personal purchases at various retailers, including Amazon, Target, Walgreens, and Wayfair. One particularly startling transaction involved a $33,000 purchase on Amazon on January 5, 2023.

Former Mayor Lightfoot Exposes Tiffany Henyard's Reckless Spending

Former Mayor Lightfoot Exposes Tiffany Henyard's Reckless Spending

"These are somebody using the credit card and charging these amounts using your tax dollars," Lightfoot told residents.

The investigation also uncovered gross misuse of taxpayer funds within the police department. Lightfoot revealed that two police officers received overtime pay exceeding their annual salaries. One officer received $114,800 in overtime pay despite having a salary of $87,295 for fiscal year 2024. Another officer received $102,077 in overtime pay against a salary of $73,515.

Former Mayor Lightfoot Exposes Tiffany Henyard's Reckless Spending

Former Mayor Lightfoot Exposes Tiffany Henyard's Reckless Spending

Dolton residents expressed outrage and devastation upon learning of the alleged financial misconduct. "I am devastated that this woman came into our town and spent all of our tax money," one resident told FOX 32. "We have senior citizens that can't even afford basic necessities."

"Tiffany needs to be locked up," said another resident. "She needs to be made an example out of and that she cannot be using our money and spending it however she wants to, like this job comes with a cash register."

Former Mayor Lightfoot Exposes Tiffany Henyard's Reckless Spending

Former Mayor Lightfoot Exposes Tiffany Henyard's Reckless Spending

The accusations of financial misdeeds have drawn the attention of the FBI, which has launched an ongoing investigation. Henyard has also faced scrutiny over an alleged sexual assault by an ally during a Las Vegas trip. Additionally, her cancer charity is under investigation.

Lightfoot's report has added to the mounting controversies surrounding Henyard, who has been dubbed the "worst mayor in America" by critics. The investigation's findings have put severe pressure on the city and raised concerns about the financial integrity of Dolton's government.

Former Mayor Lightfoot Exposes Tiffany Henyard's Reckless Spending

Former Mayor Lightfoot Exposes Tiffany Henyard's Reckless Spending

Fox News Digital has reached out to the City of Dolton for comment.