Former NHL Captain Greg Johnson Died by Suicide Due to CTE

The family of Greg Johnson, a former NHL captain, has revealed that he died by suicide in 2019 due to chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). The diagnosis comes as a shock to the family, as Johnson exhibited few symptoms of the brain disease before his death.

Greg Johnson, a beloved former NHL captain, died by suicide five years ago due to chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), a brain disease caused by repeated blows to the head. The diagnosis has left his family reeling, unaware of the extent of his struggle.

Johnson, a 12-year NHL veteran, took his own life on July 7, 2019, at the age of 55. 13 years had passed since his final NHL game. His family announced the CTE diagnosis on Wednesday.

Former NHL Captain Greg Johnson Died by Suicide Due to CTE

Former NHL Captain Greg Johnson Died by Suicide Due to CTE

Dr. Ann McKee of the Boston University CTE Center analyzed Johnson's brain and confirmed the diagnosis. CTE can only be diagnosed after death.

"This diagnosis took my breath away," said Johnson's widow, Kristin, who was married to him for 22 years. "Greg's death shattered our world, and we never once thought this disease was something he struggled with."

Former NHL Captain Greg Johnson Died by Suicide Due to CTE

Former NHL Captain Greg Johnson Died by Suicide Due to CTE

Kristin recalled Greg's frequent discussions of his concussions. She remembered him saying that his heart condition, which forced him to retire, was a blessing because he could not take another hit. He acknowledged the impact his hockey career had on his brain.

Johnson's oldest daughter, Carson, expressed her shock and determination to raise awareness about CTE. "I had no idea what CTE even stood for when my dad took his life," she said. "Now understanding that the hits he endured throughout his hockey career damaged his brain, I want all athletes to understand the risks and I want the NHL to start acknowledging it exists and do more to protect its players so other daughters don't have to lose their fathers."

Former NHL Captain Greg Johnson Died by Suicide Due to CTE

Former NHL Captain Greg Johnson Died by Suicide Due to CTE

Piper, Johnson's youngest daughter, echoed her sister's sentiments. "He truly was the best dad ever, and to lose him to suicide was beyond anything we could imagine," she said. "It was awful, but we want to talk about it to help others struggling know they are not alone, and there is help available."

Johnson played for the Nashville Predators for the last seven years of his career, serving as their captain. He was drafted 33rd overall by the Philadelphia Flyers in 1989 but never played for them. After being traded to the Detroit Red Wings in 1993, he spent three and a half years with the franchise. Johnson also played for the Pittsburgh Penguins and Chicago Blackhawks.

His brother, Ryan, played in the NHL for 15 years and is now the assistant general manager of the Vancouver Canucks.

Johnson's family hopes that his legacy will contribute to CTE research and raise awareness about the devastating impact of head injuries in sports. They urge athletes to understand the risks and call on the NHL to acknowledge and address the issue of CTE, implementing measures to protect its players from the long-term consequences of concussions.