Fox News First: Harris Secures Dem Nomination, Hawley Discloses Whistleblower Claims

In today's Fox News First, Kamala Harris secures the Democratic presidential nomination, Sen. Hawley discloses whistleblower claims about Secret Service failures at Trump rallies, and a group is accused of targeting conservatives including Elon Musk.

In a controversial move, Kamala Harris clinched the Democratic presidential nomination in a middle-of-the-night vote after skipping the traditional primary process. The decision drew criticism from some who argued that she had not earned the support of the party's base.

Harris, a former senator from California, has faced scrutiny for her moderate positions on issues such as healthcare and immigration. However, she has vowed to unite the party and defeat President Trump in November.

Fox News First: Harris Secures Dem Nomination, Hawley Discloses Whistleblower Claims

Fox News First: Harris Secures Dem Nomination, Hawley Discloses Whistleblower Claims

"I'm proud to have secured the Democratic nomination," Harris said in a statement. "I'm confident that I can bring Americans together and lead our country to a better future."

Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) has disclosed whistleblower claims that the Secret Service mishandled security at a Trump rally in Oklahoma last month. The claims allege that the agency failed to properly screen attendees, allowing weapons and explosives to be brought into the event.

Fox News First: Harris Secures Dem Nomination, Hawley Discloses Whistleblower Claims

Fox News First: Harris Secures Dem Nomination, Hawley Discloses Whistleblower Claims

Hawley has called for an investigation into the incident, saying that it "raises serious questions about the competence and leadership of the Secret Service." He also accused the agency of playing politics and "bending to the whims of the Biden administration."

The Secret Service has defended its handling of the rally, saying that it took "appropriate measures" to ensure the safety of attendees. However, the allegations have raised concerns about the agency's ability to protect the president and other high-profile figures.

Fox News First: Harris Secures Dem Nomination, Hawley Discloses Whistleblower Claims

Fox News First: Harris Secures Dem Nomination, Hawley Discloses Whistleblower Claims

An unearthed video clip of Kamala Harris saying that "everybody" should "smoke weed" has resurfaced online, becoming a source of controversy. In the clip, which appears to have been recorded in 2013, Harris can be seen laughing and joking about marijuana use.

Harris's supporters have dismissed the video as a harmless joke, but critics have seized on it as evidence of her hypocrisy. They argue that her previous support for marijuana legalization is out of step with her current law enforcement record as a prosecutor.

Harris has not yet commented on the video, but it is likely to become a campaign issue in the upcoming election.