Fox News First: Trump's Golfing Joke, FBI's Handling of Assassination Threat, and MAGA Hat Controversy

The latest Fox News morning newsletter provides an overview of the top news stories of the day, including Trump's controversial joke, the FBI's handling of the alleged assassination attempt against Trump, the Secret Service's scrutiny after details disappear from the assassination attempt report, and the NFL team's response to a security guard forcing a woman to throw away her MAGA hat.

Former President Donald Trump faced backlash after making a joke about his golf game during a rally in Iowa, just days after he was the target of an assassination attempt.

Trump told the crowd that he had been playing golf the day before and that he had "two great shots" that landed him in the water. He then joked that the only way he could have gotten the golf balls out of the water was if he had a Secret Service agent there to "shoot them out."

Fox News First: Trump's Golfing Joke, FBI's Handling of Assassination Threat, and MAGA Hat Controversy

Fox News First: Trump's Golfing Joke, FBI's Handling of Assassination Threat, and MAGA Hat Controversy

Critics slammed Trump for making light of the assassination attempt, which saw a man arrested for allegedly trying to shoot Trump at a campaign rally last week.

Trump also shared his biggest regret from his first presidential debate with Joe Biden, saying that he should have interrupted Biden more.

Fox News First: Trump's Golfing Joke, FBI's Handling of Assassination Threat, and MAGA Hat Controversy

Fox News First: Trump's Golfing Joke, FBI's Handling of Assassination Threat, and MAGA Hat Controversy

"I didn't interrupt enough," Trump said at the rally. "I should have interrupted him more. I should have interrupted him 100 times."

Trump has repeatedly claimed that he won the first presidential debate, despite most polls showing that Biden won.

Fox News First: Trump's Golfing Joke, FBI's Handling of Assassination Threat, and MAGA Hat Controversy

Fox News First: Trump's Golfing Joke, FBI's Handling of Assassination Threat, and MAGA Hat Controversy

The FBI's handling of potential threats may have allowed the alleged would-be assassin of former President Donald Trump to slip through their net, according to a new report.

The report, conducted by the Department of Justice Inspector General, found that the FBI failed to adequately investigate a 2019 warning about the alleged assassin, Michael Arellano.

Arellano, who was arrested last week for allegedly trying to shoot Trump at a campaign rally, had previously made threats against Trump and other politicians on social media.

According to the report, the FBI did not adequately assess Arellano's threat potential and did not take steps to prevent him from purchasing a gun.

The report also found that the FBI did not properly share information about Arellano with other law enforcement agencies.

The Secret Service is facing scrutiny after key details disappeared from a report on the assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump.

According to a new report by the Department of Homeland Security Inspector General, key details were redacted from the report, including the identity of the Secret Service agents involved in the incident.

The report also revealed that the Secret Service failed to properly follow its own protocols for investigating an assassination attempt.

The Secret Service has defended its handling of the investigation, saying that the redacted information was necessary to protect the identity of the agents involved.

However, critics have raised concerns about the transparency of the investigation and the possibility that the Secret Service may have covered up information about the incident.

An NFL team has responded after a security guard forced a woman to throw away her MAGA hat at a game.

The incident occurred at a game between the Philadelphia Eagles and the Dallas Cowboys on Sunday.

A security guard approached the woman, who was wearing a MAGA hat, and told her that she could not bring the hat into the stadium.

The woman refused to remove the hat, and the security guard eventually forced her to throw it away.

The NFL team, the Philadelphia Eagles, has since apologized for the incident and said that the security guard will be retrained.

The incident has sparked a debate about the freedom of speech at NFL games. Some people have argued that the security guard was right to remove the hat, while others have said that the woman should have been allowed to wear it.