Fox News Poll: Harris-Trump Matchup Tightens as Voters Focus on Bread-and-Butter Issues

A new Fox News national survey of registered voters finds the Harris-Trump matchup tightening, with voters increasingly prioritizing economic issues.

A new Fox News national survey of registered voters finds the Harris-Trump matchup tightening, with voters increasingly prioritizing economic issues.

The poll, conducted by Fox News Polling, finds Harris leading Trump by just 4 points among registered voters, 49% to 45%. This is a narrower margin than the 8-point lead Harris held in the previous Fox News poll in June.

Fox News Poll: Harris-Trump Matchup Tightens as Voters Focus on Bread-and-Butter Issues

Fox News Poll: Harris-Trump Matchup Tightens as Voters Focus on Bread-and-Butter Issues

The poll also finds that the economy is the top issue for voters, with 38% of respondents saying it is the most important problem facing the country. This is up from 33% in the previous poll.

Other top issues for voters include healthcare (18%), climate change (14%), immigration (13%), and the coronavirus pandemic (12%).

Fox News Poll: Harris-Trump Matchup Tightens as Voters Focus on Bread-and-Butter Issues

Fox News Poll: Harris-Trump Matchup Tightens as Voters Focus on Bread-and-Butter Issues

The poll also finds that voters are increasingly negative about the direction of the country. Only 34% of respondents say the country is on the right track, while 63% say it is on the wrong track. This is a significant increase in pessimism from the previous poll, in which 42% of respondents said the country was on the right track.

The poll also finds that voters are divided on the job performance of President Biden. Forty-seven percent of respondents approve of the job Biden is doing, while 53% disapprove. This is a slight decline in Biden's approval rating from the previous poll, in which 49% of respondents approved of his job performance.

Fox News Poll: Harris-Trump Matchup Tightens as Voters Focus on Bread-and-Butter Issues

Fox News Poll: Harris-Trump Matchup Tightens as Voters Focus on Bread-and-Butter Issues

The poll also finds that voters are split on the job performance of Vice President Harris. Forty-four percent of respondents approve of the job Harris is doing, while 56% disapprove. This is a slight decline in Harris' approval rating from the previous poll, in which 46% of respondents approved of her job performance.

The poll was conducted by Fox News Polling from August 10-13, 2021, among 1,008 registered voters. The margin of error is +/- 3 percentage points.

Fox News Poll: Harris-Trump Matchup Tightens as Voters Focus on Bread-and-Butter Issues

Fox News Poll: Harris-Trump Matchup Tightens as Voters Focus on Bread-and-Butter Issues