Frank Sinatra's Voice Secret: Revealed by Tony Danza

Tony Danza, star of "Who's the Boss?," shares an intimate conversation with Frank Sinatra about his famous voice and the role smoking and drinking played in shaping his iconic sound.

In a captivating interview with The New York Times, beloved actor Tony Danza delved into his profound admiration for the legendary Frank Sinatra, revealing an intriguing exchange he had with the legendary singer during their early morning tête-à-tête after a night of revelry.

As Danza recalls, Sinatra, indulging in his signature Jack Daniel's neat and Camel cigarettes, confided in him a secret that defied conventional wisdom. "Frank, with a sip of his drink and a drag of his cigarette, uttered, 'I've never met a singer worth his s--- who didn't smoke two packs a day.'"

Frank Sinatra's Voice Secret: Revealed by Tony Danza

Frank Sinatra's Voice Secret: Revealed by Tony Danza

Danza, a self-professed Sinatra devotee, was enthralled by this revelation. He had always admired Sinatra's extraordinary vocal prowess, its rich timbre and effortless projection. Yet, this candid confession unveiled a surprising paradox: the detrimental habit that seemed to enhance Sinatra's vocal brilliance.

Danza's fascination with Sinatra extended far beyond a single encounter. His mother had instilled in him a deep appreciation for Sinatra's artistry, guiding his ear to the nuances and subtleties that made his music so exceptional.

Frank Sinatra's Voice Secret: Revealed by Tony Danza

Frank Sinatra's Voice Secret: Revealed by Tony Danza

During the hit sitcom "Who's the Boss?," Danza's desire to bring Sinatra onto the show reached its zenith. Through Sinatra's daughter, Tina, he managed to secure the elusive star's appearance. However, Sinatra's arrival on set came with a caveat: he would perform only one take.

Danza, determined to honor Sinatra's request, instilled a sense of urgency among the cast and crew. The tension was palpable as they executed the scene flawlessly. To their astonishment, Sinatra offered a second take, much to Danza's delight.

Frank Sinatra's Voice Secret: Revealed by Tony Danza

Frank Sinatra's Voice Secret: Revealed by Tony Danza

Danza's adoration for Sinatra continues to fuel his current cabaret show, "Tony Danza: Sinatra & Stories," which debuted at Café Carlyle in New York City. While acknowledging the impossibility of flawlessly replicating Sinatra's unique style, Danza aims to capture his essence.

"I'm not trying to approximate him at all," Danza explains. "We have new arrangements of the songs. I'm not going to sing like him or anything like that; I will take charge like he did when he took the stage. The, 'I'm here, and I belong here, approach.'"

Through his cabaret show, Danza pays homage to Sinatra while forging a path that is uniquely his own. His deep understanding of Sinatra's music, coupled with his own artistry, creates an unforgettable and engaging experience for audiences.

As Danza himself acknowledges, "Sinatra was the greatest. He was the best of the best. I'm just a guy who loves his music and wants to share it with the world."