Freedom Isn't Free: Gold Star Aunt Honors Niece's Legacy and Shares True Meaning of Independence Day

Cheryl Juels, aunt of fallen Marine Sgt. Nicole Gee, shares her perspective on the Fourth of July and the ultimate sacrifice made by American heroes, emphasizing that freedom comes with a price.

On the Fourth of July, as the nation celebrates its independence, Cheryl Juels reflects on the true meaning of freedom and the profound loss her family endured with the death of her niece, Sgt. Nicole Gee, USMC.

"Freedom isn't free because a lot of them don't make it home," Juels said in an interview with Fox News Digital. "And they know that when they sign up, they're willing to take that risk so that people can live in a country like ours."

Freedom Isn't Free: Gold Star Aunt Honors Niece's Legacy and Shares True Meaning of Independence Day

Freedom Isn't Free: Gold Star Aunt Honors Niece's Legacy and Shares True Meaning of Independence Day

Gee was killed in action in Kabul, Afghanistan, on Aug. 26, 2021, alongside 12 other American service members. She was just 23 years old. Her death left a void in the hearts of her family and friends, but her memory continues to inspire others to live with purpose and gratitude.

Juels recalls her niece as a determined and driven young woman who grew up with a strong sense of service and patriotism. Gee's decision to join the Marines came as no surprise to her family, and she quickly rose through the ranks, earning the respect of her fellow Marines.

Freedom Isn't Free: Gold Star Aunt Honors Niece's Legacy and Shares True Meaning of Independence Day

Freedom Isn't Free: Gold Star Aunt Honors Niece's Legacy and Shares True Meaning of Independence Day

During her deployment to Afghanistan, Gee fearlessly assisted in the evacuation efforts, working tirelessly to provide aid and comfort to those in need. Despite the dangers she faced, Gee remained optimistic and committed to her mission.

As the situation in Kabul grew increasingly perilous, Gee's family grew concerned. But Gee's unwavering determination and commitment to her country never wavered. She sacrificed her own life to save others, embodying the true spirit of a hero.

Freedom Isn't Free: Gold Star Aunt Honors Niece's Legacy and Shares True Meaning of Independence Day

Freedom Isn't Free: Gold Star Aunt Honors Niece's Legacy and Shares True Meaning of Independence Day

In the wake of Gee's death, Juels and her family have established the Nicole M. Gee Memorial Foundation to honor her legacy and support military families. The foundation aims to provide health and wellness outreach, promote service and sacrifice, and foster a sense of community among those who have given so much.

"We have to remember that freedom isn't free," Juels said. "It takes a lot of work and a lot of sacrifice. And I just like them to remember that, you know, [the Fourth of July is] not just about barbecues."

Freedom Isn't Free: Gold Star Aunt Honors Niece's Legacy and Shares True Meaning of Independence Day

Freedom Isn't Free: Gold Star Aunt Honors Niece's Legacy and Shares True Meaning of Independence Day

As the nation celebrates its independence, let us take a moment to remember the fallen heroes like Sgt. Nicole Gee who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. Their bravery and selfless service remind us that true freedom comes at a price and should never be taken for granted.