Freedom's Sacrifice: A Gold Star Father's Perspective

Jim McCollum, father of slain Marine Lance Cpl. Rylee McCollum, shares his poignant insights on the profound meaning of freedom and the ultimate sacrifices made to preserve it.

As the father of a fallen hero, Jim McCollum has experienced firsthand the true cost of freedom. Lance Cpl. Rylee J McCollum, his beloved son, was killed in action in Afghanistan on August 26, 2021, alongside 12 other American service members.

In the aftermath of his son's death, Jim McCollum embarked on a profound journey of introspection. The phrase "freedom isn't free" gained a whole new significance for him, becoming synonymous with the ultimate sacrifice that has been paid throughout history to safeguard the liberties we hold dear.

Freedom's Sacrifice: A Gold Star Father's Perspective

Freedom's Sacrifice: A Gold Star Father's Perspective

"It all comes down to sacrifice," McCollum reflected. "Twenty years of this war, 248 years of our country. The countless sacrifices made to give us the freedoms we enjoy today are an immeasurable debt."

The Star-Spangled Banner and Taps, he noted, now evoke within him a visceral connection to the sacrifices of those who have fallen. "I can't hear them without tearing up," he said. "The flag has always represented something profound, but it has taken on a new level of significance for me."

Freedom's Sacrifice: A Gold Star Father's Perspective

Freedom's Sacrifice: A Gold Star Father's Perspective

Rylee, a proud native of Wyoming, possessed a lifelong passion for wrestling and a keen interest in history. His unwavering determination to become a Marine was evident from an early age.

"It was never a question of 'I hope I can' or 'I want to be,' he said. 'I'm going to be a Marine.' And on his 18th birthday, like many of his peers, he signed that dotted line," McCollum recalled.

Freedom's Sacrifice: A Gold Star Father's Perspective

Freedom's Sacrifice: A Gold Star Father's Perspective

Rylee graduated from high school and left for Camp Pendleton in 2019, where he completed boot camp and met his wife, Gigi Crayton. They were married on Valentine's Day 2021 and shared a profound love that was cut short by tragedy.

McCollum marveled at the transformation Rylee underwent as he embraced his role as husband and father. "To see him step up and become that man, taking care of his wife and child... I couldn't have been more proud," he said.

Freedom's Sacrifice: A Gold Star Father's Perspective

Freedom's Sacrifice: A Gold Star Father's Perspective

Rylee's first deployment took him to Jordan with the 2nd Battalion, 1st Marines. During that deployment, McCollum found solace in the small green dot that appeared on Messenger when Rylee was connected with his wife.

"As long as I saw that dot, I felt a sense of peace," he said.

However, the fateful day of August 26th brought unimaginable heartbreak. As news of the Kabul airport attack emerged, McCollum's hopes that his son was safe were shattered.

"I kept trying to convince myself that there was no way he could have been involved, but deep down, I knew that there was a possibility," he said.

At 3:30 in the morning, two Marines arrived at his door, confirming his worst fears. Levi Rylee Rose McCollum, Rylee's daughter, was born three weeks later, a bittersweet reminder of the ultimate sacrifice her father had made.

In the aftermath of his son's death, McCollum has found solace in the community of Gold Star families who share his loss. "I may have lost a son, but I've gained a family," he said.

USMC Lance Cpl. McCollum's legacy lives on through the Purple Heart and Global War on Terrorism Service Medal he was awarded posthumously. His sacrifice serves as a poignant reminder of the price of freedom and the enduring bonds that unite those who have given so much to defend it.