Freedom's Unwavering Flame: A Pastor's Reflections on American Independence

Despite years of negative rhetoric and systemic challenges, Pastor Corey Brooks maintains an unwavering belief in the principles of freedom and opportunity that define America.

As the nation commemorates its Independence Day, I, Pastor Corey Brooks, founder of Project H.O.O.D. in Chicago, am filled with a profound realization: never have I doubted my freedom as an American. Not even once. This steadfast conviction has been unwavering, despite the relentless barrage of negative forces that have attempted to instill a sense of disillusionment within me.

From my youth, certain individuals sought to sow seeds of anger and bitterness, asserting that my ancestors' history of enslavement and segregation should perpetually fuel my discontent. Others dismissed my aspirations as foolish pursuits, claiming that freedom in White America was a privilege reserved only for the dominant race. Even in the aftermath of tragic events like the deaths of Trayvon Martin and George Floyd, I have been confronted with narratives that portray America as a systemically racist nation, governed by White supremacists who view me solely as a representation of Blackness.

Freedom's Unwavering Flame: A Pastor's Reflections on American Independence

Freedom's Unwavering Flame: A Pastor's Reflections on American Independence

Yet, I have refused to succumb to such divisive rhetoric. This 4th of July, I express my unwavering belief in America, a country founded upon principles of liberty and opportunity. This unwavering faith did not originate in the challenging streets of Chicago, where I currently serve as a pastor in one of the city's toughest neighborhoods. Instead, its roots can be traced back to my childhood in Indiana, where I witnessed firsthand the transformative power of America's ideals.

During visits to my grandfather's home in a small Tennessee town, the 4th of July was an occasion celebrated with immense enthusiasm and camaraderie. Amidst the buzzing activity of family and friends, the shared sense of community and inclusivity was palpable. We reveled in the abundance of food and the spectacular fireworks displays that illuminated the night sky.

Freedom's Unwavering Flame: A Pastor's Reflections on American Independence

Freedom's Unwavering Flame: A Pastor's Reflections on American Independence

More significantly, I recall my grandfather's infectious optimism and unwavering love for America. Despite having endured the hardships of segregation for much of his life, he remained steadfast in his belief that the United States held boundless possibilities for those willing to embrace them. He instilled in me the conviction that I could aspire to any dream, regardless of my skin color, so long as I was prepared to work diligently towards its realization.

My grandfather's life was a testament to his unwavering work ethic and resilience. With only a fourth-grade education, he established a successful lawncare business and became renowned for the immaculately manicured lawns he tended to. He also bred bloodhounds of exceptional quality, earning recognition throughout the South. His unwavering determination and unwavering commitment to his craft were an inspiration to all who knew him.

Freedom's Unwavering Flame: A Pastor's Reflections on American Independence

Freedom's Unwavering Flame: A Pastor's Reflections on American Independence

He raised a family of eight children in a loving home, providing them with every opportunity to pursue their dreams in America. The respect and admiration accorded to him by the townspeople, both Black and White, who affectionately addressed him as "Mr. R.B.," instilled in me a sense of pride and a deep understanding of the value of character and integrity.

While my grandfather and mother have passed away, their unwavering belief in America and its principles remain deeply embedded within me. In my role as a pastor, I strive to instill these same virtues in the young people of my community. I challenge them to envision their own American dreams and encourage them to pursue those aspirations with unwavering determination.

I recognize that the American dream is an ideal that can be fragile and susceptible to manipulation by those with malicious intent. However, I believe that by embracing the timeless principles of freedom and opportunity, we can safeguard its integrity. I am committed to honoring my grandfather's legacy by keeping the soul of America alive in the hearts and minds of those I encounter.

As we celebrate the 4th of July, let us recommit ourselves to the ideals that have made this nation a beacon of hope and opportunity for generations. May we reject the divisive rhetoric that seeks to undermine our unity and embrace the transformative power of freedom and dreams. Let us honor the legacy of those who have fought and sacrificed for our nation and work tirelessly to ensure that their dreams for America continue to inspire generations to come.

God bless America, the greatest country to ever exist.