Garland Police Issue Warning as Copper Thefts Spike in Texas

Police in Garland, Texas, are reporting a surge in copper thefts, with criminals using various methods and even operating in broad daylight.

Garland Police Department has issued a public warning following a concerning increase in copper thefts. The criminals involved are going to extreme lengths to execute these brazen acts, often using pole saws, handsaws, or even climbing utility poles.

"These criminals are doing it right before your eyes," stated Lieutenant Pedro Barineau in an official video statement. "They will use any length, any means necessary."

Garland Police Issue Warning as Copper Thefts Spike in Texas

Garland Police Issue Warning as Copper Thefts Spike in Texas

Despite the seriousness of the problem, the thieves often employ a deceptive approach. Some perpetrators don reflective vests and hard hats, giving the appearance of legitimate utility workers. However, Lieutenant Barineau urges the public not to be fooled.

"They might look official, but don't be fooled. They're not official," he emphasized.

Garland Police Issue Warning as Copper Thefts Spike in Texas

Garland Police Issue Warning as Copper Thefts Spike in Texas

The cunning thieves utilize unmarked vehicles that resemble ordinary cars, vans, or trucks to blend in with everyday traffic. The department has noted that these thefts have occurred at all times of day and night, including broad daylight.

"Some of these brazen thieves are committing these acts in broad daylight," Lieutenant Barineau said. "It's happening in plain sight."

Garland Police Issue Warning as Copper Thefts Spike in Texas

Garland Police Issue Warning as Copper Thefts Spike in Texas

The police department is strongly encouraging citizens to report any suspicious activity they witness. "If you see something, say something," Lieutenant Barineau urged.

Law enforcement is actively investigating these copper thefts and working to apprehend the perpetrators. The department reminds the public that copper theft is a serious crime with significant consequences.

Garland Police Issue Warning as Copper Thefts Spike in Texas

Garland Police Issue Warning as Copper Thefts Spike in Texas

"Copper theft is not a victimless crime," Lieutenant Barineau stated. "It impacts businesses, it impacts residents, and it impacts the overall safety of our community."

To combat the issue, police recommend several precautionary measures for property owners. These include securing all copper wiring, installing motion sensor lighting, and being aware of unfamiliar individuals loitering around buildings or utility poles.

If a copper theft occurs, residents are advised to contact Garland Police Department immediately and provide detailed information about the incident. By working together, the community and law enforcement can deter copper theft and protect properties.