Gen Z Embraces Blue-Collar Jobs Amid AI Threat and College Costs

Facing rising college costs and the potential job displacement posed by artificial intelligence (AI), Generation Z is increasingly turning towards vocational and trade schools to pursue blue-collar careers that cannot be easily automated.

Gen Z Embraces Blue-Collar Jobs Amid AI Threat and College Costs

The escalating expenses associated with higher education, combined with the growing recognition that artificial intelligence (AI) poses a significant threat to certain white-collar occupations, has prompted a growing number of Generation Zers to consider trade schools and blue-collar jobs as viable career paths.

Gen Z, the generation born between the late 1990s and early 2010s, has witnessed firsthand the disruptive impact of AI on various industries, including healthcare, finance, and manufacturing. This awareness has led many young people to reassess their career choices and explore occupations that are less likely to be automated.

Gen Z Embraces Blue-Collar Jobs Amid AI Threat and College Costs

Vocational and trade schools offer specialized training in high-demand fields such as plumbing, electrical work, carpentry, welding, and HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning). These professions require hands-on skills and practical experience, which are difficult to replicate through AI systems.

Furthermore, the cost of trade school is typically far lower than that of a college education, making it a more financially feasible option for many students. This cost differential is a significant factor in the decision-making process for Gen Zers, who are grappling with a challenging economic landscape characterized by rising inflation and student loan debt.

Gen Z Embraces Blue-Collar Jobs Amid AI Threat and College Costs, Inc. has reported record first-quarter sales, fueled by the surging growth of its cloud-computing unit, Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS, which provides infrastructure and services for businesses and governments, has benefited immensely from the accelerating adoption of AI technologies.

The company's cloud-computing platform supports a wide range of AI applications, including machine learning, data analytics, and predictive modeling. As businesses increasingly rely on AI to improve efficiency, innovation, and customer service, the demand for AWS services continues to surge.

Gen Z Embraces Blue-Collar Jobs Amid AI Threat and College Costs

This growth has contributed to Amazon's overall financial performance, with the company reporting strong revenue and profit figures for the first quarter of 2023. Amazon's success in the AI space highlights the transformative potential of this technology and its ability to drive economic growth and innovation.

When it comes to developing public policy on artificial intelligence (AI), policymakers should exercise caution in relying on science fiction narratives to guide their decision-making. While science fiction can provide valuable insights and raise important ethical questions, it should not serve as the sole basis for regulating AI.

Science fiction often depicts extreme scenarios that do not accurately reflect the real-world potential and limitations of AI. Using these fictionalized depictions to justify regulatory measures could lead to unnecessary restrictions and stifle innovation in the field.

Policymakers should instead focus on a balanced and evidence-based approach to AI regulation. They should consider the potential benefits and risks of AI technologies, consult with experts in the field, and develop policies that promote responsible development and use of AI while minimizing potential negative consequences.

Google has launched a new online course teaching people how to use artificial intelligence (AI) tools. The course is available for free through Google's Coursera platform and aims to make AI training more accessible to individuals from all backgrounds.

The course, entitled "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence," provides a comprehensive overview of the field, covering topics such as machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing. It is designed to equip learners with the foundational knowledge and skills necessary to understand and use AI in practical applications.

In addition, Google's philanthropic arm,, has committed $75 million to support 1 million Americans to take the course for free. This initiative underscores Google's commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion in the field of AI and fostering a workforce that is prepared to harness the transformative power of this technology.