Gen Z Voters Flock Away from Democrats, Embrace Trump

Despite being raised in Democratic households, Becky Oliveira and Grace Guentzel have left the party, citing disenchantment with progressive values and policies.

As the presidential election in November draws closer, Gen Z voters are abandoning the Democratic Party in droves. A recent Fox News poll reveals that Trump has gained significant support among young voters, surging 10% since 2020, while Biden has lost 7% support.

Becky Oliveira and Grace Guentzel, former Democrats, joined "Fox & Friends" to explain their reasons for ditching the party and its progressive values.

Gen Z Voters Flock Away from Democrats, Embrace Trump

Gen Z Voters Flock Away from Democrats, Embrace Trump

Oliveira, once a "leftist and radical feminist," grew up in Queens, New York, a politically diverse borough. However, she found herself immersed in a social media culture dominated by left-wing propaganda that she wholeheartedly accepted.

"I believed a lot of what I believed was very emotional, and not really based in logic or fact," Oliveira said. "When I started to see how Democratic policies were playing out in my city, it all came to a head."

Gen Z Voters Flock Away from Democrats, Embrace Trump

Gen Z Voters Flock Away from Democrats, Embrace Trump

The implementation of cashless bail, the riots following George Floyd's killing, and the widespread looting and vandalism on Madison Avenue were among the factors that disillusioned her.

"It's completely destroyed the country, it's destroying our futures," Oliveira said. "I will be voting for Donald Trump in November because we can't have four more years of what's been going on."

Gen Z Voters Flock Away from Democrats, Embrace Trump

Gen Z Voters Flock Away from Democrats, Embrace Trump

Guentzel, raised in a progressive household, also deviated from her parents' political identification.

"I feel like I surrounded myself with a lot of Democrats and was kind of in that culture, so it was normal for me," Guentzel said. "But I think once I started to do my research and understand the nuance, because I kind of saw things as very one-sided, but once I kind of got out of that like cycle and stopped only surrounding myself with one kind of people, I think I started kind of leaving the hole that I was in and came more towards the right."

Although undecided on her presidential vote, Guentzel ruled out Biden, citing his policies on open borders and other issues.

The influx of young voters shifting their allegiance to Trump has alarmed Democrats, who have traditionally relied on youth support. Biden still holds an 8% lead over Trump among young voters, according to the Fox News poll, but the trend towards Trump suggests a potential upset in November.

Oliveira and Guentzel's experiences highlight the growing disillusionment among Gen Z voters with progressive policies and the perceived failures of the Biden administration. Their decisions to embrace Trump, once considered unthinkable, underscore the significant shift in political sentiment among America's youngest voters.