George Alan Kelly's Defense Consultant Alleges 'Political Prosecution'

Dr. Ron Martinelli, a consultant for George Alan Kelly's defense, spoke to Fox News Digital about the prosecution of the elderly rancher, costing the poor border county upwards of $1 million.

Dr. Ron Martinelli, a consultant for George Alan Kelly's defense, has alleged that the prosecution of the elderly rancher was politically motivated. Martinelli spoke to Fox News Digital about the case, which has cost the poor border county of Santa Cruz upwards of $1 million.

Kelly, 75, was charged with murder after being accused of shooting a Mexican national, Gabriel Cuen-Buitimea, on his border property in January 2023. However, an Arizona judge dismissed the case against Kelly on Tuesday, citing a lack of physical evidence and witnesses.

George Alan Kelly's Defense Consultant Alleges 'Political Prosecution'

George Alan Kelly's Defense Consultant Alleges 'Political Prosecution'

Martinelli believes that the prosecution was politically motivated because of Kelly's conservative views on immigration. He claims that the prosecution was an attempt to intimidate Kelly and other ranchers who oppose illegal immigration.

"This prosecution was a political witch hunt," Martinelli said. "The state attorney general's office is using its resources to target ranchers who are trying to protect their property and their families."

George Alan Kelly's Defense Consultant Alleges 'Political Prosecution'

George Alan Kelly's Defense Consultant Alleges 'Political Prosecution'

Santa Cruz County prosecutors have denied that the prosecution was politically motivated. They have said that they were simply trying to hold Kelly accountable for the death of Cuen-Buitimea.

However, Martinelli claims that the prosecution's case was weak. He said that there was no physical evidence linking Kelly to the shooting and that the only witness who came forward was a known illegal immigrant.

George Alan Kelly's Defense Consultant Alleges 'Political Prosecution'

George Alan Kelly's Defense Consultant Alleges 'Political Prosecution'

"The prosecution's case was based on nothing more than speculation and hearsay," Martinelli said. "The jury saw through their lies and acquitted Mr. Kelly."

The judge who dismissed the case against Kelly also questioned the prosecution's case. He said that there was a lack of physical evidence and witnesses and that the only witness who came forward was a known illegal immigrant.

George Alan Kelly's Defense Consultant Alleges 'Political Prosecution'

George Alan Kelly's Defense Consultant Alleges 'Political Prosecution'

The judge also said that he did not believe that another jury would convict Kelly based on the same evidence.

Kelly's acquittal has been hailed as a victory for ranchers who are trying to protect their property and their families. However, Martinelli believes that the prosecution was a sign that the Biden administration is targeting ranchers who oppose illegal immigration.

George Alan Kelly's Defense Consultant Alleges 'Political Prosecution'

George Alan Kelly's Defense Consultant Alleges 'Political Prosecution'

"This prosecution was a warning shot to ranchers across the country," Martinelli said. "The Biden administration is trying to intimidate ranchers who are trying to protect their property and their families."